The Han Dynasty of China: A Chinese Golden Age Image courtesy of Wikipedia. (206 BCE-220 CE) 1
Political China was ruled by Dynasties Strong centralized government Qin were first but lost the mandate of Heaven Han came second Strong centralized government Government was efficient All bureaucrats had to pass difficult tests
Economic Agriculture was considered very important Trade was not respected but was still very important Traded with Roman Empire VIA Silk Road Government had Monopolies on most businesses (Silk, Mining, Alcohol)
Economic - Silk Road
Religious Two sets of ideas influenced Chinese religions Confucianism: Harmony comes from respecting elders and the Emperor Daoism: Happiness is accepting life as it is Schools taught these ideas to all people to unify the lands of Han China
Intellectual Many Inventions including: Seismograph Paper Water Wheel Improved Plow Collar Harness
Artistic Landscape and portrait paintings were advanced Han authors wrote many essays, plays and histories (which is why we know so much about them)
Early Chinese Dynasties Xia – 2205 B.C. – 1766 B.C. Post Neolithic Shang - 1766 B.C. to 1172 B.C. Zhou - 1172 B.C. to 256 B.C. Qin - 221 B.C. to 206 B.C. Han - 201 B.C. to 221 A.D.
Chinese Civilizations: Han Dynasty Silk Road
Section 3 Han Emperors in China 206 BC–220 AD
Founded by Han Gaozu
Chinese Civilizations: Han Dynasty (207 B.C. – 200 A.D.) Confucianism returns – Buddhism arrives Golden age of China Strict rules were modified Confucian concepts were established Imperial-style government developed by the Ch’in dynasty was kept Han Dynasty was known for military prowess Creativity Paper was invented Collar harness Wheelbarrow Great canals to link rivers for trade and transportation were created Art flourished
Promoted Confucianism Est. Civil Service Began “Silk Road” Han Contributions Promoted Confucianism Est. Civil Service Began “Silk Road” “Pax Sinica” (Wudi) Built a University Technological Developments
Chinese Civilizations: Han Dynasty Silk Road
Trade Route to Roman Empire
Han – Roman Empire Connection
Two Great Empires: Han China and Rome Han Dynasty – 202 B.C. to A.D. 220 Roman Empire – 27 BC to AD 476 Empire replaced rival kingdoms Centralized, bureaucratic gov. Built roads and defensive walls Conquered many diverse peoples. Chinese – written language Ongoing conflict – nomads Fell, restored 618 by Tang D. Empire replaced republic Centralized, bureaucratic gov. Built roads and defensive walls Conquered many diverse peoples. – 3 continents Latin – did not replace other written languages Ongoing conflict – nomads Empire fell never restored.