Chinese history A quick access to 《史部》史:記事者也。从又持中。中,正也。 《世本》黃帝始立史官,倉頡沮誦居其職。 Chinese history
Geographic Map of China
Prehistoric China Yuanmou Man: c. 1.7 million yrs ago Unearthed (2 teeth) in 1965 (Yunnan) First hominid known to control fire New finds ( Lantian Man: c. 1 million yrs ago Remnants found in 1963-64 (Shaanxi) Stone tools & animal bones also found Peking Man: c. 710k-230k yrs ago A complete skullcup found in 1929 (Beijing) Traces of fire and stone tools found later
Prehistoric China Upper Cave Man: c. 80k-10k yrs ago 3 skulls and other fossils found (Beijing) Along w/ carbon dust, stone & bone tools Hemudu Culture: 5000-4000 BC Lower Yangtze River (Zhejiang) Paddy rice & cultivating tools Lacquerware found in 1978 (wooden bowl coated with red lacquer sap)
Prehistoric China Origin of pottery: 4800-2900 BC Yangshao Culture in Shaanxi Dawenkou Culture: 4300-2500 BC Painted potteries with inscriptions Acupuncture emerged Hongshan Culture: 4000-3000 BC Livestock: pigs, cattle, sheep Jade artifacts
Ancient China Yellow Emperor (ancestor of humanity) & Yan Emperor: 2700-2600 BC Sericulture & silk reeling Land & water transportation Music Medicine Math & calendar Writing system 《刀部》初:始也。从刀从衣。裁衣之始也。 《徐曰》禮之初,施衣以蔽形。《書·禹謨》率百官若帝之初。 黃帝居于軒轅之丘,而娶于西陵之女,是為嫘祖為黃帝正妃,生二子,其後皆有天下:其一曰玄囂,是為青陽,青陽降居江水。 顯示全文 Huangdi lived at Xuanyuan hill, and married a woman of 'Western range' land called Leizu, who was his principal wife, and bore him two sons, both of whose descendants held Imperial sway. The eldest, named Xuanxiao, or Qingyang, dwelt on the Jiang stream.
Yao-Shun(-YU) Legendary leaders (last 3 of the 五帝 5 Di’s) who passed their power to the worthy Yao: decided 366 days in one year, and 29 or 30 days in a month; and using leap month(s) Shun: Defeated rebels, and killed Yu’s father Gun, who failed to put flood under control Yu the Great: succeeded in controlling the flood, and set nine zhou’s (or provinces)
The Xia dynasty Yu The Great passed the power to his son, Qi (启, which means “start”), and started the hereditary system The first dynasty of China was established, with 16 kings over 400+ years (c.2200 BC – 1700BC) The Xia Calendar (夏历) becomes the basis for now
The shang (or yin) dynasty Reigned during 1600BC-1046BC Created the Oracle Bone scripts Highly developed in making bronzeware, architecture, etc.
The Zhou Dynasty Traced by to Hou Ji, served as agriculture leader during Yao’s reign Lasted some 800 yrs. (1046BC-256BC), which is the longest in Chinese history
The Falling of the Zhou The Spring-and-Autumn period (770BC-476BC) The Zhou royal house lost control Five Powers became leaders of their allies The Warring State period Even more chaotic wars between some 140 vassal states, leading to the end of most of them The “Hundred Schools of Thought”
The Qin Dynasty The First Emperor of Qin unified China in 221BC and titled himself HuangDi Unified writing to the “small seal” script Unified measurement and wheel distance of carts
the Han Dynasty 2,000-year-old ROYAL TOMBS of Marquis of Haihun in China
Three kingdoms period Romance of the Three Kingdoms