5 th STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Bagamoyo, Tanzania September, 2013 ECO-TOURISM Thematic Component Community Ecotourism livelihoods Kenya (Day 3 FP Environment: Baraza Wangwe FP Tourism: Lilian Ayimba DPC: Samuel Nganga V
Outline 1.0 Demo-site Briefs & Collaboration with community Ecotourism 2.0 Project objectives & outcomes 3.0 Deliverables & achievements 4.0 Challenges 5.0 Way forward
WATAMU DEMOSITE -Location & Demosite Briefs Covers the entire Watamu marine National park and reserve Stretches from Jacaranta to Mida creek Size approximately 60km2 Population density of about 44 persons /km2 Over 300 HH Over 300,000 tourist s per annum (98% of visitors) 36 No. international hotels /restaurants Multi-ethnicity –locals & foreigners
Project implementation Watamu – Demosite STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Watamu DSMC Composition 1. Kenya Wildlife Service 2. Kenya Forest Service 3. Ministry of Tourism 4. Watamu Marine Association- Chair 5. MCCC 6. Watamu Safari Sellers 7. WABO 8. Voice of Watamu 9. A Rocha Kenya 10. COBEC 11. Watamu Turtle Watch 12. Nature Kenya 13. Local Hotel Representative 14. Municipal Council 15. NEMA- Coordination (DPC)
Watamu Demosite – Ecotourism Key Ecotourism facilities : Mida Creek Boat walk & Restaurant - Dabaso Mida creek- mud crab farming (mericulture) Snake farm & snake park ( Sita & Bioken/ Safari sellers ( Watamu Sellers ) Boat operators (WaBO, Suppreso,Hotels ) Beekeeping (Apiculture) Curio sellers Canoes & snorkeling / diving
Ecotourism ( chain value analysis & Income opportunities (Watamu Demosite) Enterprise (product/serviceEstimated annual income USD Implementation status Restaurant Banda's( Drinks& Lunches) 12,750Partly implemented (50%) Canoe Guided tours5000Complete Curios (Crafts)5500ongoing Fishing excursions2000Done Honey sales5400ongoing Board Walks2400complete Sun bed/umbrella4500Not implemented Cultural dances5250ongoing Farm Tours3750Not implemented Snake Park4000incomplete Crab Farm2250complete Fish Farm2800Done Toilet Services3600Not implemented Total59,200
Project title: Watamu Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism Development Project Objective “To develop new and sustainable community based tourism and ecotourism activities and create pro poor employment and income Opportunities”. Active & participatory community engagement –( WMA Exec. Agency)
Result areas (output):.Output 1: Creating new community run tourist attractions: Construction of traditional style bandas (Display & Sales - local foods, drinks and traditional snacks & cultural activities)- Dropped Cultural and Marine Park information and local interest boards and displays- to be undertaken in the extended period
Cont... Result areas Output 2. Providing tourist facilities : Community operated sun bed and umbrella hire service- Dropped Community managed portable toilet services for tourists and visitors- Dropped REPLACEMENT: community Bike for hire- women groups
Conti... Result areas Output 3. Enhancing ecotourism facilities and attractions: EXPANSION Mangrove board walk and restaurant Community Snake Farm (Mida Creek) community Crab Farm- Mida Creek Provision of canoes - ( Tourguide & recreation) mariculture & Fish Farming
Cont... Result areas Output 4: Further development of existing apiculture (bee keeping) community initiatives: Training and skills provision Equipment provision Developing honey processing capacity Honey production and sales
Conti... Result areas Output 5. Utilizing solid waste materials and natural bio products : Training and skills provision - solid waste mgt waste recycling/ reuse- waste materials & coconut bi-products to make arts & crafts for sale to tourist outlets Establishing an art and crafts recycling – community work place & tourist attraction.
Achievements Mangrove board walk and restaurant ecotourism enterprise Community Mariculture (crab farming) enterprise Natural Fish Farm facility) providing fish Traditional dugout canoes operational
Conti.. Achievements Small business training to 10 community members Beekeeping groups have new or renovated fully operational apiaries- 80 beehives have been constructed (benefiting 75 women and 40 men) 12 Women’s Group members receiving an income from sales of curios made from recycled waste material.
Achievements cont... Community waste management (recycling & Reuse) & awareness Reducing coral Destruction
Training Awards of training certificate to a Ecotourism members by DPC Ecotourism training (Customer care)
Achievements cont-- Recreation Enhancing tourism
Challenges Conflicting policies & guidelines- shorelines Delay in the implementation of some proposed projects ( **sun beds/umbrellas, **3 open bandas, Mida Creek Snake Farm, **Community toilet service, agricultural and farm tourist) **Dropped Resource constraints and limited budget & co- funding
Way forward Increased collaboration Enabling legal and policy framework on community ecotourism &investments ( Action-planning) Eco-friendly community investments with higher returns Marketing of ecotourism products & services (Web-raising) Increased funding for community programmes
~ Thank you ~