OUTDATED PROGRAMMING PROCESS What are my obligations? What shows are available ? What can I afford? What is likely to get toured? What are the practicalities? THE EVENT
OUTDATED MARKETING PROCESS What is the show? Advertise in the paper Put posters up around town Send an blast to everyone Hope people come THE EVENT
YOUR PLAN STARTS HERE Who are your customers? What activity do you program? What’s your community interested in? What activity do you want to program? marketing + community engagement strategies monitor + evaluate THE ARTS ACTIVITY Audience research review, revise, adjust Customer language Community connections producers Playing Australia Long Paddock/Cyber Paddock Information about your community professional development ? peer network experiences ? What customers do you want? © Merryn Carter 2010 ShowRoom, Kultour, Roadwork … PROPOSED PROGRAMMING / AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS
PROGRAMMING POLICY PROCESS Who do we want to engage? What shows would engage them? Who offers shows like that? No-one? How can I help create shows like that? How can I balance my budget? THE POLICY