Learning from Experience of PES Practitioners in EU Efficient Activities of Public Employment Services during Economic Downturn , Prague Mr. Gašper Zakrajšek Mr. Sandi Meke Employment Service of Slovenia Regional Office Ljubljana
Slovenia in brief GDP per capita, ,286 € per capita (18,437 € in 2008) GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) (EU-27 = 100) 87 in 2010 Average monthly earnings, July ,500 € gross 975 € net Capital: Ljubljana (258,873) Area: km 2 Population: 2,05 million Employment Service of Slovenia Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Unemployment rates (LFS) EU 27 Unemployment rate 7.8% (Labour Force Survey) 11.5% (Registered) – July 2011 Employment Service of Slovenia Source: EUROSTAT, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Labour market dynamics Employment Service of Slovenia
Registered unemployed structure Employment Service of Slovenia
Employment growth by section of activity (January 2009/July 2011) Employment Service of Slovenia A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Mining and quarrying C Manufacturing D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Construction G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles H Transportation and storage I Accommodation and food service activities J Information and communication K Financial and insurance activities L Real estate activities M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Administrative and support service activities O Public administration and defense; compulsory social security P Education Q Human health and social work activities R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Other service activities T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services- producing activities of household for own use Source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Employment Service of Slovenia Government priorities during economic downturn Business environment development, internationalization, innovativeness, reform of higher education, improve R&D, green technologies,… I. Entrepreneurship and knowledge for development Create conditions for improved employability, activity and qualifications of individuals Life-long career orientation Preservation and creation of new jobs Implementation of innovative projects aimed at including vulnerable groups in the LM II. Flexicurity and social cohesion Efficient transport and energy policies, transition into an environmentally efficient low- carbon society,… III. Development-oriented transport infrastructure
Employment Service of Slovenia Economic downturn facilitates changes in legislation Financial Participation Act Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings and Compulsory Dissolution Act,… I. Entrepreneurship and knowledge for development Employment Relationship Act Labour market regulation act Minimum Wage Act Mini Jobs Act Scolarship Act II. Flexicurity and social cohesion
Applied on January 1st 2011 Goals: I. To increase security of job-seekers, introduction of the flexicurity concept in the labour market Expansion of labour market-related services (e.g. career orientation) to include more beneficiaries, not only the unemployed! job-seeker / job-seekers whose employment is at risk Changes in unemployment benefit: more beneficiaries - lower “entry demands” higher benefits, longer duration for older beneficiaries retention of the right despite part-time employment lower reductions of benefits in case of gained income from work Labour market regulation act (1) Employment Service of Slovenia
Labour market regulation act (2) II. To increase efficiency of implementing active employment policy New AEP measures (job rotation, job sharing), education and training remain the most important measures, new providers of measures Expansion of AEP programmes to job-seekers whose employment is at risk Lifelong career orientation expansion III. To reduce administrative burdens on companies and individuals Abolition of obligatory Annual employer report and forecast Publications of job vacancies by PES Notifications regarding contracts for work and copyright contract By developing ICT tools and services Employment Service of Slovenia
Businesses faced by reduction in liquidity, a sharp drop in orders The government introduces 2 anti-crisis measures: temporary partial subsidization of full working hours and a subsidy for wages of temporarily laid-off workers Aim: Help businesses overcome short-term liquidity issues Duration: Measures were applied in 2009, the last expired in March 2011 Approximately 80,000 workers benefit from these schemes During the crisis I. Anti-crisis Interventions
During the crisis II. Increased funding for AEP Programmes Employment Service of Slovenia persons included € allocated resources persons included allocated resources persons included € allocated resources
ESS adapts Contact Centre – accessibility, quality of service “Info point” for foreigners ESS strengthened by 45 new employment advisors – supported by ESF ESS Education Centre is established – staff upskilling Empowerment Regional organisation adaptations: Introduction of an “open system” for clients, improved time management Employers matter – development of services for employers (one-stop shop, e-notifications, regular meetings, more time delegated for better quality of job brokering, direct matching) Large bankruptcies – systematic approach in following the local LM, mobile teams take a proactive approach Employment Service of Slovenia
Social entrepreneurship Economic downturn makes our society search for a new development model - more socially and ecologically sustainable solutions Social and societal purpose combined with an entrepreneurial spirit of the private sector In 2012, a bill on social entrepreneurship will be applied. It proposes 16 socially beneficial activities of social entrepreneurship Employment Service of Slovenia Source: In practice: Job factory – Entering the World of Work (restaurant) Programme financed by ESF and MoLFSA, executed by partner organisations ESS was involved in selection of candidates- youth with emotional and behavioral difficulties and youth in danger of long-term unemployment Three-month training within the project, 14 youths received the National Professional Qualification for Assistant Chef and Assistant Waiter Cooperation with Jamie Oliver Fifteen Foundation Five youths were chosen for employment within the project Strong local support for the project Source:
Employment challenge: The best candidate for the best employer ESS coordinates the selection procedure: Preselection of candidates (selection of suitable, motivated candidates from our database- interview-psychometric testing) Selected candidates are given a challenge to complete (practical assignment) Final event: Minister of labour and social affairs awards the winner (best candidate) of the challenge with an employment contract Employment Service of Slovenia Common project of MoLFSA, ESS and Manager association Main goal: to promote employing of unemployed persons with best employers in Slovenia Employers are winners of the National selection of best employers (Zlata nit - Golden thread) organized by daily newspaper Dnevnik
Employment Service of Slovenia Before and after… …in light of OECD LEED Programme findings help businesses overcome short- term liquidity issues and the first impact of the economic downturn + Short-term effect of interventions - Countries need to build sustainable foundations of their economic future ? Before the crisis: Only job growth matters, PES take a “work first” approach Increase in unproductive jobs, deprofessionalisation of existing jobs / “working poor” After the crisis Employment quality matters Time for investment in HR: training, education, skill Working place of the future: “green jobs”, “health care”, what else? Career development Good local governance
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