Time for Chapters Quiz ! Nov. 21, 2013 Clear your desks/tables of all materials, except for a writing utensil. When finished, turn in and pick up a copy of the PowerPoint handout and begin working on chapter 10.
Survival Groups: Get into your survival groups and have your leader get Task 3 from your teacher. You have only 10 minutes, so work quickly.
Learning Targets: 1.While reading chapter 10, I can find examples of the theme of Loss of Innocence. 2.While reading chapter 10, I can find examples of the theme Leadership and Power. 3.While reading chapter 10, I can explain the symbolism found within the novel and locate examples to support my claims.
LOTF ~ Ch. 10 ~ pgs “The Shell and the Glasses” While reading chapter 10, focus on the theme of Loss of Innocence. 1. How do Ralph and Piggy try to regain their innocence after the disturbing death of “the beast”? Answer this question and use two CDs To support your answer. (CDs must be written down word for word from the chapter, using quotation marks and page numbers).
LOTF ~ Ch. 10 continued While reading chapter 10, focus on the theme of Leadership and Power. 2. What type of leader is Jack? What does he do to legitimize his claim to leadership in this chapter? Answer this question and use two CDs To support your answer. (CDs must be written down word for word from the chapter, using quotation marks and page numbers).
LOTF ~ Ch. 10 continued While reading chapter 10, focus on fire and Piggy’s glasses as symbols. 3. Select one of these items and explain its symbolic nature. Then locate two CDs to support your assertion. (CDs must be written down word for word from the chapter, using quotation marks and page numbers).