Leadership Election Task Force Nora Lin FY13 BOD4 Update June 14, 2012
Leadership Election Task Force (LETF) Members for FY13 Naomi Brill Bernice Brody Esther Heller Betty Irish Peggy Layne Nora Lin (Chair) Karen Ramsey-Idem Sandy Postel Martha Addison Walker Completed all tasks that were charted in FY12 Will be sunset at the end of FY13 as planned Page 2
Focuses in FY13 Petition process for BOD positions Submitted a proposed Bylaws Amendment to Senate in August and Senate passed it at WE12 Election campaign policy Collaborated with Nominating Committee and presented the recommendations to BOD in Feb/Mar 2013 When to have a contested election? Special election process Overall pipeline, succession planning, and election processes Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) component Collegiate Director election process Page 3
When To Have A Contested Election? When NC feels there is more than one very well qualified candidate for a position, and the candidates have differing philosophies (Need to consider how diversity fits in this case) When NC has more than one well qualified candidate for a position It should be rare because the NC should consider the board to be broader overall. Contested election would make it more difficult for the NC to have a balanced board (i.e., a board with diverse perspectives) In the case of a contested election with two well qualified candidates, there should be some thought given to keeping the unsuccessful candidate in the society's leadership pipeline If there are two very great candidates, try to have both on the board or find a way to utilize both people Page 4
The Senate procedure needs to specify what tasks need to be completed by 60 days [per SWE Bylaws] after the vacancy become official The Senate procedure shall clearly define Senate’s responsibilities, including the identification of candidate(s), for the special election Senate should take time to evaluate candidates and elect the best person for the vacant position within 60 days [per SWE Bylaws] The procedure should consist of tasks in place taken from lessons learned (e.g., vet candidates more, have a runoff) Senate may choose to confer with NC for their recommendations Candidates should use the same “candidate bio and statement” format and guidelines defined by the Society Nomination Committee for the special election Page 5 Special Election Process
Overall Pipeline, Succession Planning and Election Processes Overall Pipeline and Election Processes Page 6
Di Diversity & Inclusion Pipeline Succession Planning Nomination & Election Diverse Leadership Interconnected Processes
SWE Membership DB Enhancement Purpose: To keep all membership information in a centralized location so that the data can be used by all SWE processes (e.g., pipeline, election, succession planning, etc.) Users: Members, Headquarters, Regions/Sections, Society Nominating Committee, future Society Succession Planning Committee or Talent Management Roundtable, etc. Structural: Break the database into sections. For example: Basic section – Contains objective data, such as SWE positions held by when, that would be updated by the HQ SWE resume section – It would be updated by individuals Committee data section – States X committee has data on subject “Y” but does not divulge the actual data Personal reference section – Allows up to 5 to 7 references, including pertaining to and the date of each referenced item Page 10
SWE Membership DB Enhancement Recommended Guidelines: 1.The database should provide different level of user accounts, such as user, super user, user with limited privilege, and administrative. 2.Members will have read and write privileges to their own data. 3.SWE HQ will be able to update certain sections. Certain SWE leaders can have read access to certain sections of member’s data. 4.Members will have the ability to grant others read/write access to certain sections of their own data. 5.Not all the mentor or Nominating Committee feedbacks should be saved in the database. 6.Succession planning information should not be saved in the database. Page 11 Note: The region nominating committee chair will be the owner of the interim pipeline database spreadsheet until SWE has a permanent solution for the pipeline related data. LETF recommends having a template for regions/sections to use.
Where and How Does Diversity and Inclusion Fit in the Processes? Page 12
Diversity and Inclusion Component D&I is important to SWE but yet the progress has been very slow General goals for SWE The composition of SWE membership should reflect the female population in general engineering workforce The composition of SWE leadership should reflect the population of SWE membership Gaps SWE is not collecting proper D&I metrics and using those metrics to support SWE goals To build diverse leadership, D&I must be included in the Pipeline, Succession Planning, committee chairs/members selection processes Page 13
D&I Recommendations – Metrics Collection Why – Metrics help us know where SWE stands and enable us to set specific and actionable goals for improvements What – a Collect diversity related metrics within SWE 1.Ethnic Origin 2.Gender 3.Engineering Disciplines 4.Disability 5.Religion 6.Sexual Orientation (LGBT)** 7.Employee Status** 8.Citizenship** ** Due to the sensitivity of certain data, suggest SWE focusing on the top 5 metrics for now until we know how to handle metrics 6, 7 and 8. Page 14
D&I Recommendations – Metrics Collection What – Collect diversity related metrics on female engineers in general engineering workforce Ethnic Origin, Engineering Disciplines, trends for new grads, etc. What – Survey and collect “inclusion” related metrics to understand members’ needs. For examples: survey on “what you feel about being in SWE?” survey memberships during regional meetings to understand what differences/barriers are Reach out members by specialties/disciplines, affinity groups, etc. Page 15
D&I Recommendations – Metrics Collection How Market and promote the self-identification to members Clearly define how the diversity data will be used and communicate it with members so that there is no misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and distrust Possible actions for SWE: Set up a computer at annual and/or regional conferences and ask members to enter the data there Write articles to help people understand what it is like for someone who is different from the rest as a member Publish the collected metrics and show the progress Page 16
D&I Recommendations – Metrics Collection Society is responsible for collecting metrics discussed on previous pages and provide region- level diversity metrics to each region Regions collect following metrics via mentorship survey for region/section leaders Engineering discipline What stage of your career are you in What stage of your SWE career are you in MCC can help collect “inclusion” related metrics and promote self-identification Page 17
D&I Recommendations – Accountability SWE BOD shall not only collect the D&I metrics but also fully commit to use the data and keep it transparent to SWE members SWE BOD shall use the data (and the trends of data) to set the goals and then flow down the goals to regions and the succession planning committee (or the Talent Management Review Board) Encourage each BOD member to mentor at least 2 potential leaders who are either minorities or someone different from you Page 18
Collegiate Director (CD) Election Concur with NC proposed election process in principle CD application due by February 1 NC selects the slate Collegiate section presidents vote on candidates Recommend improving the “How” part Page 19
CD Election Recommendations Hold a “CD Position” session at the annual conference Co-host by the PE and the current CD with support from previous CDs Explain the responsibilities and expectations of the position Share experience about what it is like to serve on the Board by the current and previous CDs NC interviews all candidates CD, Collegiate Senators, RCR and RCEC slate are on one ballot Each individual should only be on the slate for one position A person can apply for more than one position but needs to make it known on the application form Require coordination between the NC chair and the RCR/RCCE coordinator when vetting the candidates The Bylaws amendment needs to provide more details on the “How” part so people understand the CD election process Page 20
Collegiate Election How do we handle a situation when not getting enough collegiate section presidents to vote on collegiate candidates? Recommendation: Per SWE Bylaws, article IV, section 7.b. in case of a tie, the winner shall be chosen by lot. For the sake of consistency, this rule should apply to all SWE elections, including collegiate leaders o Note: SWE Bylaws does not specify a minimum number of votes that each candidates should get Publish the election report and continue to promote the importance of voting Page 21
Backup Slides Page 22
FY11-FY14 Election Data Page 23
Race/Ethnicity of Individuals in S&E Occupations Page 24
Trends in US Science & Engineering Occupations ( ) Page 25
Field Of Highest Degree Among Workers Page 26