To Kill A Mockingbird W RITING A O NE C HUNK. T OPIC S ENTENCE  The first sentence in a body paragraph.  Expresses the main idea.  Must have a subject.


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Presentation transcript:

To Kill A Mockingbird W RITING A O NE C HUNK

T OPIC S ENTENCE  The first sentence in a body paragraph.  Expresses the main idea.  Must have a subject and opinion (commentary) for the paragraph. It does the same thing for a body paragraph that the thesis does for the whole essay.

L EAD I N  Transitions to the CD(s). Provides context for the supporting evidence. the speaker the audience situation (when and where) Lead-ins work with the CD to create one fluid sentence. If lead in is a complete sentence, put a : before the quote

C ONCRETE D ETAIL  Specific details that support the opinion expressed in the TS.  CDs are evidence and “show” proof for your TS.  CDs should always be cited with a page number.  Synonyms for concrete detail include: facts specifics examples descriptions illustrations support proof evidence quotations

C ONCRETE D ETAIL Strong concrete details must do more than show the plot. They must include at least some of the following:  SOAPSToneS  Characterization  Strong imagery  Words with strong connotation

C OMMENTARY  Your opinion or comment.  CM should analyze the CD  explain why and how your CD supports your TS. Synonyms for CM include: opinion insight analysis interpretation inference personal response evaluation explication reflection “unpacking”

C ONCLUDING S ENTENCE  Last sentence  It is all commentary, does not repeat key words, but it does reiterate the TS  gives a finished feeling to the paragraph.

A “ CHUNK ” I S …  LI  CD  CM


P UT IT ALL T OGETHER Label the parts of the one chunk paragraph: Atticus Finch displays heroism in the novel To Kill a Moclingbird when he courageously accepts the case to defend Tom Robinson, knowing the harsh consequences he will face. When Scout asks why Atticus chose to defend Tom Robinson, Atticus explains that taking the case is a matter of integrity: “…if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again’” (100). Atticus feels obligated to take Robinson’s case because he must be a role model for justice and morality to his town and his children. He states that he could not “hold up [his] head” if he did not take the case, meaning he would not have self-respect if his actions and his words did not match. True heroes must be men of integrity, by defending a man of color Atticus stays true to his values and shows tremendous courage.

P UT IT ALL TOGETHER When someone holds his head up, it indicates pride. If not defending Tom Robinson would stop Atticus from holding his head high, then he wouldn’t have pride in himself. Not defending Tom Robinson would also indicate that Atticus would have to give up serving as a legislator because he wouldn’t possess the necessary leadership qualities of honor, integrity and responsibility. If Atticus didn’t have these qualities, then he certainly wouldn’t even be a good father.

N OW Y OU T RY, D IRECTIONS : Harper Lee introduces readers to many characters in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Some of these characters demonstrate admirable characteristics that may even be considered heroic and other characters demonstrate despicable character traits which are definitely not heroic. Then, other characters demonstrate a complex mixture of characteristics that may or may not make them heroic. Take Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose, for example. The children -- Jem and Scout – have known Mrs. Dubose for quite a while and despise talking to her. Mrs. Dubose has a bad reputation with the Finch children due to her foul comments and criticism of their father. However, near the end of chapter 11, Atticus states that Mrs. Dubose “was the bravest person [he] ever knew” (128). From one angle, Mrs. Dubose seems like a rather offensive person, but from another perspective she seems heroic. What do you think? Is Mrs. Dubose an everyday hero or is she not? Write a body paragraph for your class explaining whether you think Mrs. Dubose can be called an everyday hero or not. Be sure to have a clear support thesis which takes a position and to use concrete details from the text to support your answer.