I. TECHNOLOGY GOAL The District completed the first year of the Millbury three-year Technology Plan as submitted to and approved by DESE.
TECHNOLOGY NEXT STEPS: Update Student Acceptable Use Policy Integrate additional technology in the classroom by allowing staff to bring in personally owned mobile devices Improve Technology Planning – Capital replacement of old equipment, new acquisition of hardware, software planning and alignment Continue providing Technology Related Professional Development
II. DATA DRIVEN DECISIONS GOAL The District will analyze student assessment data, as well as evaluate educator, school and district performance as a means to improve student learning outcomes and the quality of instruction in every classroom.
DATA DRIVEN DECISIONS NEXT STEPS: Establish District-Determined Measures PreK-12 that will become a component of the Millbury Educator Evaluation System Expand analyzing MAP assessment data in grades 2 through 10 in order to assess individual student performance three times per year as required by the District’s Literacy Plan, help forecast MCAS/PARCC performance and serve as a District-Determined Measure Follow District Literacy Plan – data meetings 3x a year Develop, identify and implement benchmark assessments PreK-12 and use for decision making to inform instructional practices
III. COMMON CORE GOAL The District will integrate Common Core Standards in order for students to gain knowledge in Mathematics and English Language Arts, to transfer this knowledge to Career Readiness at all grade levels, and to increase the number of students ranking Proficient and Advanced in all subgroups, Special Education, ELL and low income on MCAS.
COMMON CORE NEXT STEPS: Curriculum mapping along with vertical conversations PreK-12 District Literacy Team will meet four times and share out to the district a revised Literacy Plan In partnership with WPI, a strategic plan for incorporation of STEAM education PreK-12 Focus on continuation of Math curriculum in grades 9-12 PARCC Implementation grades 3-8
IV. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GOAL The District will provide high quality professional development to all staff.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEXT STEPS: PD will support goals and initiatives of the district Staff will be solicited for input More afterschool and summer opportunities
V. EDUCATOR EVALUATION GOAL The District will implement Year 2 of the Millbury Educator Evaluation System.
EDUCATOR EVALUATION NEXT STEPS: Complete calibration of administration in and across buildings Focus to improve ancillary staff rubrics for evaluation
VI. COMMUNICATION GOAL The District will continue to improve communication with and outreach to all stakeholders including families, community members, colleagues and between schools.
COMMUNICATION NEXT STEPS: Improve engagement with parents/guardians by providing timely follow-up, quarterly building-based newsletters and events to encourage meaningful two-way dialogue Encourage school staff participation in community-wide events Continue to post pertinent and informative documents/information to the schools and District website Identify effective opportunities for cross-building and vertical communication