PRESENTATION AND DOCUMENTS Department Offices, Educational Technology Official Memorandum, Superintendent’s Corner, Memorandum
AGENDA General Overview Process and Timeline Details of Act and HB123 E-Rate Dates and ALJP Dates
GENERAL OVERVIEW ALABAMA AHEAD ACT (WIRED) – ACT HB123 $15,546,351 First Priority – complete the goal of providing wireless networks in ALL public schools Match for the $150 E-Rate Category 2 E-Rate Funding Year 2015, 2016, and/or 2017 Provide funds to implement state-approved technology plan for LEA if you have wireless networks in place in ALL of your schools that meet the standards Non-competitive – Each LEA has a designated allocation listed in the law
GENERAL PROCESS ALABAMA AHEAD ACT (WIRED) – ACT Application process Recorded webinar giving instructions – E-Rate SharePoint Site Recorded webinar giving instructions – Additional help contact Earlene Patton at or Joan Greene-Fisher at Application approval ALSDE – Educational Technology Alabama Ahead Oversight Committee E-Rate Application Additional help contact Jerome Browning at ALJP Purchases Additional help contact Jerome Browning at
TIMELINE Submit application from now until next summer Can submit more than one application until you have applied for your total allocation You must apply by options listed in application You can choose more than one option Ask for help (from ALSDE and other technology coordinators) – do this right – don’t let vendors sell you unneeded equipment
OPTIONS FOR USE OF FUNDS Option 1: ALL schools currently or will meet WIRED standards using FY2015 E-Rate Category 2 Funds [Section 5 (a) (1) (2)] Option 2: ALL schools will meet WIRED standards Using Alabama Ahead Act Funds and FY2016 E-Rate Category 2 Funds [Section 5 (a) (4)] Option 3: ALL schools DO NOT currently meet the base standards and ALL schools will NOT meet the standards after spending all AAA funds (Section 5 (a) (4)) Option 4: All schools currently or will meet WIRED standards. Not applying for E-Rate Category 2 Funds [Section 5 (a) (5) and Section 5 (a) (3)]
THE BASE LEVEL STANDARDS SYSTEMS WISHING TO ACCOMMODATE A HIGHER CAPACITY OF WIRELESS DEVICES MAY DO SO, BUT THE FIRST PRIORITY IS TO ENSURE EVERY REGULAR USE CLASSROOM, LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER, AND CAFETERIA MEET THE FOLLOWING BASE LEVEL OF SERVICE: All regular use classrooms should have high-quality wireless access for devices simultaneously. All library media centers have sufficient wireless access for at least 1/3 of the room’s capacity. All cafeterias should have sufficient wireless access for 1/3 of the current enrollment of the school. (Any exceptions can be noted when completing the Options page). Administrative and non-instructional areas of schools should have coverage, but high-density is not required.
OPTION 1 ALL SCHOOLS CURRENTLY OR WILL MEET WIRED STANDARDS [SECTION 5 (A) (1) (2)] USING FY2015 E-RATE CATEGORY 2 FUNDS LEA applied and has received a funding commitment decision letter for FY2015 E-Rate Category 2 Funds. 1. Use for 2015 E-Rate Category 2 Match and remainder towards Implementing Technology Plan (if standards have been met) and/or 2. Reimburse System for Purchase of WLAN Equipment for 2015 E-Rate Category 2 Match (if LEA funds were used for match and LEA does not plan to use Alabama Ahead Act funds for Technology Plan purchases) Date installation was or will be complete for all schools:
OPTION 2 ALL SCHOOLS WILL MEET WIRED STANDARDS USING ALABAMA AHEAD ACT FUNDS AND FY2016 E-RATE CATEGORY 2 FUNDS [SECTION 5 (A) (4)] LEA has applied or is in the process of applying for FY2016 E-Rate Category 2 funds 1. FY2016 E-Rate Category 2 Match for WLAN Equipment Purchases and remainder 2. Towards Implementing Technology Plan Date installation will be complete for all schools:
OPTION 3 ALL SCHOOLS DO NOT CURRENTLY MEET THE BASE STANDARDS AND ALL SCHOOLS WILL NOT MEET THE STANDARDS AFTER SPENDING ALL ALABAMA AHEAD ACT FUNDS [SECTION 5 (A) (4)] FY2015 or FY2016 E-Rate Match for WLAN Equipment Purchases Date installation will be complete and incomplete by school: List schools that will not meet the standards and describe the extent to which they will not meet the standards. Describe any actions that the system will take in order to meet these standards on its own.
OPTION 4 ALL SCHOOLS CURRENTLY OR WILL MEET WIRED STANDARDS. NOT APPLYING FOR E-RATE CATEGORY 2 FUNDS [SECTION 5 (A) (5) AND SECTION 5 (A) (3)] 1. Purchase WLAN Equipment to meet WIRED Standards and/or 2. Towards Implementing Technology Plan Explain why E-Rate Category 2 Funds will not be applied for and used for WLAN Equipment. Provide evidence.
EXCEPTIONS TO WIRED STANDARDS: An LEA may request an exception of the WIRED standards to be granted Examples: A school will be taken out of service next school year or only 50% of a school is being used due to low enrollment. Alabama Ahead Oversight Committee will determine if exception will be granted.
TECHNOLOGY PLAN BUDGET NARRATIVE IN APPLICATION If funds are going to be used for items other than to meet the wireless standards then a narrative must be included that explains the use of the funds towards meeting the technology plan and the amounts detailed on the budget page.
EVIDENCE OF WLAN PURCHASES SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS List of equipment and the school locations installed with Billed Entity Number of location; Copies of E-Rate FY2015 Funding Commitment Decision Letter List of Funding Request Numbers (FRN) for indicated equipment and/or installations Copies of purchase orders or other evidence of indicated equipment including purchases made outside E-Rate program School Inventory Data showing WLAN/WiFi equipment, date of purchase, model number, and cost information Internal work orders, or similar documentation, for equipment installs and configurations performed internally by LEA Technology staff Other documentation may be requested
SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION Send application and all supporting documents to ALSDE Educational Technology PDF application with all required signatures and supporting documents to SharePoint site for LEAs to view progress of their application
E-RATE/ALJP DATES FY2015 ALJP Related FRNs for Category 2 Purchase Order Executed prior to May 6, 2016 due to ALJP2013 Contract Extensions made. Installations can be done as late as September 2016 Note: 120 Extension possible/not advisable Check the Last Date to Invoice in the Funding Commitment Decision Letter/Data Retrieval Tool Move ahead as quickly as possible.
E-RATE/ALJP DATES FY2016 ALJP Related Applications for Category 2 Drop Dead Date for Form 470 has passed (22 Days as of 05/04/2016) Mini-Quote Process for new applications is the only option for FY2016 FY2016 Form 471 Window Closes May 26, 2016 (22 Days as of 05/04/2016) Must give vendors in Mini-Quote process adequate time to respond. Category2 WiFi/WLAN Mini-Quote Process is open now and will remain open You are responsible for the content and execution of the process Get Started Now!!
NOTE: The LEA must first meet wireless standards in ALL schools before using funds toward technology plan or even other network technology. Wireless networks must satisfy the requirements of the Alabama Ahead Oversight Committee before funds can be spent on other network technology or technology plans.
PROCESS REVIEW Approved Technology Plan Application approval ALSDE Alabama Ahead Oversight Committee Monitoring Law requires the ALSDE to include WLAN infrastructure functionality in monitoring Reporting Law requires a report every six months detailing the progress of LEAs in meeting the 24 month goal of statewide implementation of wireless
ALABAMA AHEAD OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Evaluate and confirm the appropriateness of applications Provide oversight and administration of implementation Determine if LEAs have met requirements of wireless networks (based on the documentation submitted with applications)
REGION MEETINGS – 8:30 – 12:00 May 5 th – Monroeville Central Office May 6 th – Dothan Central Office May 10 th – Elmore County Technical Building May 16 th – Hoover City Board Room May 17 th – Athens State University Inservice Center May 18 th – Oxford High School Media Center
TIMELINE Submit application from now until next summer to the ALSDE Office of Educational Technology Can submit more than one application until you have applied for your total allocation You must apply by options listed in application You can choose more than one option Ask for help (from ALSDE and other technology coordinators) – do this right – don’t let vendors sell you unneeded equipment
PRESENTATION AND DOCUMENTS Department Offices, Educational Technology Official Memorandum, Superintendent’s Corner, Memorandum PDF application with all required signatures and supporting documents to SharePoint site for LEAs to view progress of their application