Basic information: Capital city: Ottawa Largest city: Toronto Population: 33,000,000 Area: 9,980,000 km 2 Official languages: English and French Currency:Canadian Dollar Government: Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy Canada
Membership -Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development -G8 Production -Wood -Oil reserves -Energy -Zink,uranium(largest production) -Gold,nickel Economy
The world's second largest country Water: Pacific ocean (west) Atlantic ocean (east) Arctic ocean (north) Hudson Bay Rivers: Mackenzie (The largest river in Canada) St.Lawrence (The largest estuary in all the world) Niagara (Niagara Falls) Canada has the most lakes Mountains: The higgest peak is Mt. Logan 5951 m Geography
Basic information: Capital city: Canberra Largest city: Sydney Population: 21,714,000 Area: 7,686,850 km 2 Official languages: English Currency: Australian dollar Government: Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy Australia
Production -Metalurgy, Petrochemistry -Pit-coal -Crude oil -Raw materials -Stock raising Industry city -Sydney -Melbourne Economy
Water: Pacific ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean Arafura Sea Timor Sea Rivers: Murray(The largest river in Australia) Australia has the largest coral reef in the world (Great Barrier Reef) Mountains: The higgest peak is Mount Kosciuszko m Deserts: The largest part of Australia is desert Geography
New Zealand
Basic information: Capital city: Wellington Largest city: Auckland Population: Area: km² Official languages: English and Māori Currency: New Zealand dollar Government: Parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy New Zealand
Production -Agriculture -Fishing -Stock raising -Tourism Economy
Water: Pacific ocean Cook Strai(divide the north island from north island) Rivers: Waikato(The largest river) Lakes: Lake Taupo Mountains: The higgest peak is Mt. Cook 3754 m Geography