Mr. Meyer Mr. Vrabec Mr. Vale Subject Taught Funny Hair Geography Science Gym VeryLittleSome LotsLittle
Learning Goal: I understand the struggles that come with the Fishing Industry
How did it start? – Literacy Activity How did it start? Part of Our Heritage – John Cabot Part of Our Heritage
In ShoreOff Shore Small boats and people are self-employed 85% of fishers but just 10% of fish Day trips only, no trips during bad weather Low income Lobster, shrimp, clam, cod, and haddock Large ships, company owned 15% of fishers but 90% of fish Go out for 2 weeks or more at a time, in any weather Reasonable income Harvest cod, sole, halibut, redfish, flounder
What happened? What happened?
Your task is to create 10 useable test questions from the material we have studied so far in this unit. See the side board for topics we have looked at so far. You can choose ANY style of test questions you like; multiple choice, matching, true/false, short answer, long answer, etc.
Today we will watch The Perfect Strom Complete the provided worksheet as we watchworksheet Worksheet answersanswers
Sustainable Yield Management: is a method of harvesting a resource so that it can return for future generations Example: we only fish old or mature fish and leave young ones in the ocean so they can reproduce