3/22/2011Slide 1© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster (GPIC) for Energy-Efficient Buildings A U.S. DOE Energy Innovation Hub The Navy Yard, Philadelphia
3/22/2011Slide 2© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org 2 Energy – Regional Innovation Cluster The Consortium: Penn State Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center Wharton Small Business Development Center The Federal Agencies: Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Labor Economic Development Administration National institute of Standards and Technology National Science Foundation Small Business Administration
3/22/2011Slide 3© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Strategic Market Focus: Full-spectrum retrofit of average-size commercial, institutional, and multi-family residential buildings Transform building retrofit environment from serially fragmented method to integrated systems approach. Provide methods that can be implemented in the marketplace over the next 10 years to improve energy efficiency by 50 percent. Stimulate private investment and quality job creation in the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond. Goals and Mission
3/22/2011Slide 6© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Metrics Energy Efficiency - Annual energy savings per square foot Scalability - Installed cost of energy saving retrofit Constraint - do no indoor environmental quality harm Regional Transformation - Industry cluster development Economic Development – New jobs created or retained
3/22/2011Slide 7© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Energy Efficiency in Buildings
3/22/2011Slide 8© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Focus on Integrated Retrofits Integrate expertise across disciplines earlier in the project. The delivery process to enable concurrent tasks along with design iterations. Provide the right information at the right time to design, construction, and FM professionals. Use better materials, equipment, and systems. Owner DesignerBuilder
3/22/2011Slide 9© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org The Navy Yard $30 million of new Commonwealth capital funding for GPIC facilities 270 existing buildings and new buildings that can be utilized as test beds Independently owned utilities including electric distribution grid Five DOE research and education centers on site: – DOE Mid-Atlantic Clean Energy Applications Center – DOE Northern Mid-Atlantic Solar Training Center – DOE GridStar Smart Grid Training Center – DOE Build America Residential Retrofit Center – GPIC for Energy Efficient Buildings Zone 4A -5 climate that has four distinct seasons
3/22/2011Slide 10© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Navy Yard Micro-Grid Master Plan Develop Navy Yard micro-grad as a demonstration smart grid Diverse customer base including : NSWC Carderock detachment Industrial and commercial firms Small businesses Education and R&D Electric distribution infrastructure developed over 80 years Expected growth from 30 to 70 MW average load over next 20 years Sandia National Laboratory assisting with master planning effort
3/22/2011Slide 11© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Energy Retrofit Opportunities
3/22/2011Slide 12© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Real Implementation Processes / Problems Drive Development GPIC Building 661+Urban Outfitters
3/22/2011Slide 13© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Full Spectrum Energy Efficient Retrofit 13 Living laboratory to transform the industry’s current fragmented serial process into system performance driven, integrated, parallel, team processes. Building 661+ Retrofit Project
3/22/2011Slide 14© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Task Groups 1.Design ToolsIBM 2.Integrated Technologies UTC 3.Policy, Markets, and BehaviorPenn 4.Education and Workforce DevelopmentPPPL 5.Deployment and CommercializationBFTP 6.Human-Centered DesignPenn State
3/22/2011Slide 15© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Software, Hardware & Verification Develop and implement integrated processes, computational tools, software, and simulation environment for energy-efficient building system design. The short and mid-term focus will be on retrofit design for buildings. Develop scalable systems solutions for full spectrum retrofits and the enabling component technologies. Robust control and diagnostics implementation platforms are then proposed for realizing the system solutions.
3/22/2011Slide 16© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Policy, Markets, and Behavior Discover effective mix of incentives, mandates, and automation to achieve energy efficiency in buildings and design policy instruments that flexibly deploy in cities and states to achieve energy efficiency.
3/22/2011Slide 17© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Education and Workforce Training Assure that the new, innovative energy efficiency technologies and systems created by the GPIC are supported by a robust human capital infrastructure. Establish GPIC education and workforce development advisory board Inventory of regional EEB education and workforce development programs Emphasis on associate degree level technician training Outreach to secondary schools and underrepresented groups education and career pathways Possible program development areas: Solar energy systems Smart grid management Energy storage Integrated design management Building energy efficiency auditing
3/22/2011Slide 18© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org CommercializationDevelopValidateDemonstrateCommercialize Demonstration, deployment and intellectual property (IP) management. Outreach and engagement of the building industry Workshops for industry and others on energy efficiency Assessment and marketing energy efficient building technologies New business models for integrated retrofit projects GPIC Opportunity Research Fund
3/22/2011Slide 19© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Intellectual Property Management NDA signed by all Members allows open sharing of unprotected discoveries and proprietary information ensuring GPIC access to latest technologies DOE class patent waiver (10 CFR part 784-Patent Waiver Regulation) provides industry and university partners with equal ownership rights to discoveries Members’ exclusive rights to solely developed IP as well as their interest in jointly developed IP are protected Members disclose discoveries to Penn State and in turn to DOE and Ben Franklin Technology Partners (BFTP) Members choosing to protect and develop their discoveries may receive commercialization assistance from BFTP Technologies not protected and developed by inventing Member may be marketed by BFTP first to other Members and then to non-members GPIC Opportunity Research Fund and other technology commercialization programs may be leveraged
3/22/2011Slide 20© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org Human Centered Design Improving energy utilization efficiency of renovated buildings Measurably improve the human-centered quality of the built environment Elicit proactive occupant preferences and actions in dynamic building operations Blend science, engineering, behavioral studies, and fine arts to strengthen design quality
3/22/2011Slide 21© GPIC for Energy-Efficient Buildings gpichub.org