Alicanto Mining Corp. A different opportunity
Hemlo Area - December of 1979 Don McKinnon and John Larche remained patient--and became millionaires
Witwatersrand 1886 Australian prospector George Harrison sold his claim for £10
Google vs. the World
A different idea on how to solve a problem
Since there is no time machine We need to identify the new opportunities.
What makes a good opportunity? First of all- The people
The Team’s experience and previous achievements Alicanto Mining was launched in January 2013 by an experienced exploration team with deep knowledge about, and successful gold exploration experience, in Colombia. The company has a solid management team and equaly strong BoD that has “done it before” and is ready to repeat their previous success. Most recently, Team members were responsible for the gold discoveries for Calvista Gold Corporation, acquired by AUX Canada in December of 2012.
Why choose us? Great opportunity at the ground level
Potential for a Witwatersrand type of deposit in a new gold district in Colombia Andrew Jackson- Global Resources Investments
Witwatersrand, Porphyries and VMS
Why choose us? Best technical team using advanced exploration methods Best Promising Targets at the lowest cost. Satellite interpretation Lineament analysis Strain and Stress 3D modeling Advance geochemical survey Compositional Data Analysis Geological modelling
Why choose us? We are looking for gold and base metals in the right place
Why choose us? Clear business model Extensive local network Strong management team Applying for new licenses Negotiating licenses with locals Production model
What are the “other guys” saying? Safer to buy an existing project from a junior now Colombia is risky Nobody is interested in base metals The gold price is going down
Find the next Gold District in Colombia Create win-win scenarios Create value for our shareholders
Work plan Phase I January - June Completed an $ 300,000 financing. The Company was launched in Toronto and Colombia and prepared to apply for promising properties with the National Mining Agency. Phase II July - September Looking to raise $1.5 $0.20. Applied for 8 new licenses, including our main target El Tapir. Continue negotiating with land owners in accordance with our model. Start surficial exploration work on the most promising licenses. Phase III October 2013 – February Looking to raise $5 – 10 $ Advance exploration activities including drilling. Resource estimations and NI compliant reports.
One more thing…
“ ”...Economic trends are making conditions tougher for the exploration industry overall by raising target hurdles and thereby increasing discovery risk. Coupled with increasing exploration maturity in many mineral provinces, mineral explorers must find new ways to succeed in a world of increased discovery risk. Chris Blain, Fifty-year Trends in Mineral Discovery Commodity and Ore-type Targets. We ARE that “new way” and that is why you should invest in us.
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