Mon – corn dog / steak nuggets Tue – spaghetti / ckn salad sub Wed – manager’s special Thu – ckn patty-bun/hamburger Fri – ckn quesadilla / bean&chz burrito
π Have you heard? Are you ready? Pi Day is coming – March 14 th
Keep your ears open, Keep reading – More Pi Day Info coming soon!!
Mon – cereal&toast Tue – french toast & sausage patty Wed – ckn biscuit Thu – breakfast bun Fri – Dr. Seuss’ bday – eggs,ham,toast
flexuous \ FLEK-shoo-uhs \, adjective; 1. Full of bends or curves; sinuous.
Do NOT eat any type of peanuts or peanut products in your classroom. People have life-threatening allergies and the classroom is a closed-in area.
Happy birthday to Jessie Gardner (2/27)!
Herff Jones will be on campus Feb. 28 during lunch at from 3-7 p.m. to take class ring orders.
SkillsUSA’s Just Dance off! March 1 Wii games, food, fun Room 309
Congrats to Rebel Baseball for their 7-4 win over Coffee High on 2/25!
Congrats to Rebel boys and Lady Rebel girls basketball teams for outstanding seasons!
Spanish Club members: cheer on Rebel soccer teams on Feb. 28. Cost is $5 per person. See Mrs. Osella for more information.
Congrats to boys and girls track teams for finishing 8 th out of 18 at Statesboro. High jump – Tyjohn Williams (1 st ), Shakira McCarr (3 rd ). Pole vault – Blayne Ketchum (1 st ) NEXT meet: 3/1 at Bryan Co.
Miss Relay for Life Pageant is March 24. Open to ages 0 months to 17+ years. Get applications in the front office or see Mrs. Denese Parker. Info is also on
FBLA meeting Feb. 28 3:35-4:30 Room 904
Work Based Learning applications need to be turned in to Mrs. Duff by 2/29!
Yugio tournament Feb. 29 Media center 3:30-5. You must have a ride at 5. For more information, see Mr. Heller, Coach Ussery, or Brandon Pevey
During lunch this week, SkillsUSA is selling raffle numbers for a $50 Parker’s gift card! See Mr. Dickerson in room 309 for more information.
French club meeting Feb. 28 3:45-5 Guests – Dr. Jean-Paul Carton and his wife will play medieval instruments and teach dancing from the period.
Want to be an FFA officer next year? Get applications from Mrs. Arrington or Ms. Satterfield.
FFA State convention forms are ready if you plan on attending in April.
National FFA week is next week. Keep an eye out for what’s happening.
HOSA competition practice: Feb. 28 3:30-4:30 Room 601
HOSA members going to State leadership competition: load the bus from 7:30-8 a.m. Bus leaves at 3:20 p.m.
Girls Night at ECHS! March 20 at 5:30 p.m. WTOC’s Dawn Baker speaks at 7 p.m. Sign up at lunch.
Seniors attending HOSA competition: see Mrs. Burgstiner for scholarship applications.
Rotary Club Sunrise group has posted their scholarship info. Go to the counselors’ website and click scholarships. Deadline: April 13 before 1 st period.
Effingham Women in Business scholarship is available on the counselors’ website. DEADLINE: April 19.
DELETE bullying! Join student council as they campaign against bullying. DELETE club meets Tuesdays… 7:30-8 a.m., during all lunches, 3:30-4.
Powder puff football signups are during lunch every Friday.
For sale in the cafeteria for $2 or less in ALL lines: Cheesesticks, spicy chicken sw, ham&chz sub, chips, lemonade, tea, Switch, juice, cookies, brownies. Stop by and check it out!
Miss ECHS Pageant Saturday, April 7 Entry forms and info packets are in the front office. Questions? Stop by room 110 and see Coach K. Ward before or after school.
Powder Puff Football game! Sign up on Fridays at lunch Teams – 7 girls, $20 Guys - $2 cheerleader
Clayter’s cookie café has moved! Stop by the end of the 400 hall near Dr. Pevey’s office. Cost is 2 for $1.
Interested in going to Washington, DC with the History club…May 29-June 3, 2012? Cost is $450. See Mr. Hadwin or Ms. Drayton before or after school.
If you are interested in Work Based Learning, see Mrs. Duff immediately!
Order club pictures and sports pictures ONLINE!
Prayer session Tuesdays at 3:45 in the cafeteria on the third level. Everyone that would like to attend is invited.
Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings):
Buy pictures from this school year!
Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 604 for details.
Watch our TV channel!
Be our fan on Facebook! Search “Effingham County Rebels” and join over 3,300 fans in the Rebel Nation! Go Rebels!
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