2008 Canadian Cruise Plan Pacific Arctic Region Robert Fudge March 26, 2008
Canadian Program International Polar Year –2008 Field Year: Canada’s Three Oceans Louis S. St-Laurent (LSSL) Sir Wilfrid Laurier (SWL) –2008 Field Year: Circumpolar Flaw Lead/ArcticNet Amunden (AMS)
Legend Dartmouth to Resolute July 2 – July 10 Resolute to Kugluktuk July 10 – July 17
LSSL July 2 – Embark Dartmouth, NS July 2-10 – Science Leg From Dartmouth to Resolute Bay to Kugluktuk –Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Baffin Bay, Lancaster Sound, Bellot Strait and Arctic Archipelego Box coring operations. Vertical net tows. CTD/rosette casts and concurrent deployment of ADCP during casts. Plan for rosette casts is for twice daily stations along track and additional sections, one as the ship enters the Labrador Sea and the second across northern Davis Strait. The eastern part of this latter section is in Greenland waters. Deployment of 3 moorings at the eastern end of Bellot Strait. Deployment of drift bottles at intervals along the track. A 6- hour stop at Resolute to exchange science personnel and hold meeting/tour aboard for invited guests from the community
LSSL Opportunities: –Dartmouth to Resolute: 17 people –Plus media
Legend Kugluktuk to Canada Basin program Return to Kugluktuk July 17 to August 21
LSSL Kugluktuk to Canada Basin program and return to Kugluktuk –July 17 to August 21 Recover 4 moorings and deploy 4 moorings Recover 1 ITP (Ice Tethered Profiler) buoy if easily accessible Deploy 4 ITP drifting buoys and several arrays of 6 ice-tracking buoys Deploy XCTDs (approx 140) Conduct CTD/rosette profiling and sampling program at science stations. Conduct net casts at approx science stations Deployment of drift bottles at intervals along the track. Collection of near-ship CTD profiles, water and ice samples Underway measurements, including: –Underway CTD or XCTDs deployed from stern –Seawater loop Possibility of sediment box cores – hour casts with sediment pumping equipment to 3000+m.
LSSL Opportunities: –Canada Basin program: 25 people –Plus media
UNCLOS program NRcan-led Seabed Mapping of Continental Shelf –August 21 to October 2 –Joint LSSL and Healy program –Dedicated Seabed mapping program LSSL: seismic Healy: multi-beam and gravity
Ship – seismic program
Legend Kugluktuk to Resolute October 2 to October 10? 2 incremental science days
LSSL Kugluktuk to Resolute –October 10 to October 17 Recover 2 moorings in bellot strait XCTD and CTD profiles/rosette casts when able and near mooring sites Opportunities –Program now includes 6 people –Plus media
Legend Victoria to Barrow July 2/3 to July 23 Demarcation Point July 18 Return Leg Cambridge Bay to Victoria Sept 23 to Oct 15
Laurier Victoria to Arctic Leg 1 –Twice daily science stations, involving a mix of rosette casts (from both the boat deck and well decks), vertical net tows, mud grabs, subsea bottom video and ADCP deployments as well as sections crossing: – -the Vancouver Island shelf north of La Perouse bank, –-the Alaska Stream south of Unimak Pass, –-onto the Bering Shelf north of the Aleutians and –-across the American half of Bering Strait. –Underway measurements, including: –Towed acoustic fish (boom system as in 2007) – Underway CTD or XBT/XCTDs deployed from stern –Continuous Seawater loop sampling –Possibility of Continuous Plankton Recorder
September 23 to October 15: Kugluktuk to Dutch Harbour Leg 2 –Canadian Beaufort Sea: –Recover 4 moorings at 3 sites (Sites 2, 1 & 11). –Replace recovered moorings with duplicate equipment (in most instances) prepared previously. –Total of 8 mooring operations. –CTD casts at mooring sites. –US Beaufort Sea: –Recover 7 moorings at 3 sites in Camden Bay (Sites K, A & V). –1 of 7 to be recovered by dragging or ROV, if still in place. –Replace 6 moorings with duplicate equipment (in most instances) prepared previously. –All moorings are lift-and-drop –Total of 12 conventional mooring operations, plus 1 unconventional. –CTD casts at mooring sites. –CTD-rosette section along the 500-m isobath (2 stations daily) –Chukchi Sea: –Recover 1 mooring at the AIM site on the Chukchi Plateau. Possibly recover Jamstec moorings at 2 sites on route (NC-06, HC-E). –Replace AIM mooring with duplicate equipment prepared previously. –Deploy automatic weather station on suitable floe of multi-year ice in this area. –Deploy 4 moorings at 2 sites in the north-eastern Chukchi Sea –All moorings are lift-and-drop –Total of 6 (possibly 8) conventional mooring operations. –CTD casts at mooring sites. –CTD-rosette section along the route between the Chukchi Plateau and the second areas for moorings. –Measurements while underway: –Underway CTD or XCTDs deployed from the portside aft cabin –Seawater loop Laurier
Leg 1: Science + media Leg 2: 9 Science +media
Amundsen CFL: until August 7 (Kug) Inuit Health Survey: until September 4 (Res) ArcticNet: until mid Sept Transit and icebreaking
Nahidik Small Coastal Vessel –Biological Program –Ocean Biological and Geological Program –Full Study