Mint Oreos Bre, Bashia, Julia, Crystal Blue/ November. 7
If we replaced the different types of water then it might effect growth because the seed’s cells will react differently to the different types of water.\ Independent variable : micro-waved and boiled water Dependent variable: Growth in (cm) We think that boiled water will grow more because whenever you boil water it cleans out all the germs in the water.
3 paper towel sets 15 green bean seeds 3 plastic zip-lock bags ~ Opened bags. Put paper towel sets in the bags. Soaked paper towel sets with different types of water. Spread out 5 seeds on each paper towel inside of the bags.
Heights over time Dates Height in (cm)
Our results are that our highest plant length/height is 24 (cm) Our hypotheses was wrong because the boiled water turned out horrible when we thought it would turn out the best because when you boil water it cleans all the germs out of the water. I think it turned out how it did because the boiled water damaged the seed cells by over-welming the vacuole with too much waste instead of it holding good materials that the cell will need. The only problems we had where the seeds molding.