Gold Focus 2016 – DPMC Philip Newman, Dubai 12 th April 2016
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“Further upside likely for the gold price in 2016.” “..the change in investor sentiment seen in the first quarter is more likely to solidify than melt away..” “..this impressive recovery will mark the end of the bear cycle that started in 2011.” Our Gold Focus press release
2015: ongoing dollar price weakness Source: Bloomberg
US Fed rate expectations: 5 th January 2015 Source: Bloomberg
Other headwinds: US$ strength & focus on equities Source: Bloomberg
Net institutional selling continued in 2015 Source: Bloomberg
Mine production: , +446t, avg 3% p.a. Source: Metals Focus, Bloomberg
Mine costs: windfall from weaker producer currencies The blue line represents a rebased gold price, that has been adjusted for local currency movements from the world’s largest 20 gold producing countries. Local currencies have been indexed from January 2010, and weighted by the countries’ 2015 gold production. Source: Bloomberg, Metals Focus
Mine costs continued to fall * Total Cash Cost plus Depreciation equals Total Production Cost Source: Metals Focus Gold Mine Cost Service : AISC: -$154 Gold price: -$510
Recycling: weakened again in 2015 Source: Metals Focus
Chinese and Indian gold demand Source: Metals Focus
Mainland China official bullion imports Source: Various, Metals Focus
Chinese jewellery and retail investment demand Source: Metals Focus
Chinese jewellery and retail investment demand Source: Metals Focus
India official bullion imports Source: Indian Ministry of Commerce
Indian jewellery and retail investment demand Source: Metals Focus
Key areas of gold demand Source: Metals Focus
Jewellery consumption, 2014 vs 2015 *North America & Europe excluding the CIS Source: Metals Focus
Physical investment, 2014 vs 2015 Source: Metals Focus
Central bank purchases driven by Russia & China Source: Metals Focus
Market balance remained neutral in 2015 Source: Metals Focus, Bloomberg
Global supply forecast Source: Metals Focus
Global demand forecast Source: Metals Focus. Jewellery basis fabrication series.
Gold market remains balanced in 2016 Source: Metals Focus
Expectations of US Fed rate increase Source: Bloomberg
Turnaround in institutional investor activity in 2016 Source: Bloomberg
Gold 25-Delta Risks Reversal* *The difference in implied volatility between 25-delta call and put options. This illustrates whether investor interest in the option market is skewed to the call side (if positive) or put side (if negative), as well as the extent of the skew. Source: Bloomberg
Quarterly gold price forecast Source: Metals Focus, Bloomberg
Quarterly gold price forecast Source: Metals Focus, Bloomberg
Strong physical investment Source: Bloomberg, US Mint
Indian silver market Source: Bloomberg, US Mint
Quarterly gold:silver ratio forecast Source: Metals Focus, Bloomberg
Quarterly silver price forecast Source: Metals Focus, Bloomberg
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