Human Effects on the Environment
Layers of the Earth: Atmosphere: Air and layer of gasses that surrounds the Earth. Biosphere: The living things on Earth (people, plants, animals) Hydrosphere: All the water on Earth (oceans, lakes, rivers, clouds, and frozen water) Lithosphere: Land and Soil
Negative Effects on the Atmosphere Deforestation – less Carbon Dioxide being converted to Oxygen.
Negative Effects on the Atmosphere Global Warming – less Oxygen in air due to more emissions of CO2 by pollution. Deforestation and natural causes also add to the problem. This causes more warmth from the sun to be caught in our atmosphere, making the Earth’s temp. rise
Negative Effects on the Atmosphere Air Pollution from Cars, Factories, Etc. (anything that burns fossil fuels)
Positive Effects on the Atmosphere Many laws regulate how much factories and cars can emit, how many trees can be cut down and how, etc…
Positive Effects on the Atmosphere REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE HINT !!! Can you think of an example that would have a positive impact on the environment???
Positive Effects on the Atmosphere New Technologies - machines and cars that pollute less, and use alternate energy, have less negative effects on the atmosphere.
Negative Effects on the Biosphere Deforestation – reduction of plant life, animal life, and medicine possibilities
Negative Effects on the Biosphere Poaching / Over hunting and Over fishing – leads to endangered plants and animals or extinction
Negative Effects on the Biosphere Humans are affected by all types of pollution (air, water, soil). Can cause sickness, shorter lifespan
Negative Effects on the Biosphere Creating farmland – destroys grasslands, marshes, and other natural environments Insecticides and Fertilizers can wash off into the water and affect animals; if foods are not washed they can contain chemicals that hurt humans that consume them.
Negative Effects on the Biosphere Littering – can affect plant and animal life (kill them)
Negative Effects on the Biosphere Global Warming – heating of the Earths temp. creates many problems for the animals and plants that need certain temperatures. (For example: melting ice caps hurts polar bears)
Positive Effects on the Biosphere Reforestation – planting trees
Positive Effects on the Biosphere Laws for protection of plants and animals – protect endangered species
Positive Effects on the Biosphere Use the Native peoples knowledge of medicines from plants and their healing techniques
Positive Effects on the Biosphere REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE
Positive Effects on the Biosphere New technologies – allow for less effects on plant, animal, and humans Natural Pesticides
Negative Effects on the Lithosphere Pesticides / Fertilizers seep into the soil
Negative Effects on the Lithosphere Overuse of land farming same land over and over again sucks nutrients out of soil
Negative Effects on the Lithosphere Erosion – caused by deforestation or clearing of lands
Negative Effects on the Lithosphere Mining – extracting of minerals or fossil fuels causes huge changes to the soil make-up, and ruin landscape
Negative Effects on the Lithosphere Creating Farmland – clears the natural land and effects the soil
Positive Effects on the Lithosphere Crop rotation- growing different crops every few years helps to keep the soil from loosing certain nutrients.
Positive Effects on the Lithosphere Laws regulate: where mining can take place and how it can be done, and they regulate the use of chemicals on farms
Positive Effects on the Lithosphere REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE
Positive Effects on the Lithosphere New technologies – like new methods of farming, bug protection, etc allow for less effects on soil.
Negative Effects on the Hydrosphere Pesticides and Fertilizers run off from farms and golf courses into water – poisons water supplies
Negative Effects on the Hydrosphere Water pollution – drainage from sewers or factories boats oil spills
Negative Effects on the Hydrosphere Acid Rain – air pollution gets trapped in clouds and falls back to the earth in the rain
Negative Effects on the Hydrosphere Dams – cause flooding (animal and plant life can suffer)
Negative Effects on the Hydrosphere Global Warming – resulting in melting of the icecaps, causing the ocean levels to rise (flooding coastal cities)
Positive Effects on the Hydrosphere Wetland laws – Must create more wetlands if you destroy existing wetlands
Positive Effects on the Hydrosphere Laws for waste removal, shipbuilding, farming, etc. that help to control pollution in the water.
Positive Effects on the Hydrosphere REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE
Positive Effects on the Hydrosphere New technologies – double hulled boats stop oil spills