Welcome to FAN-TECH INDUSTRIES Website: ID: Mo No.:
About us Fan-Tech Industries have started its venture in the year 1990 with aim of creating an eco friendly atmosphere through manufacturing hi tech fns and equipments needed for industrial use, and in our quest have earned unexpected reputation. We have been manufacturing centrifugal fans, industrial scrubber, multiclones, hose bag and cartridge type pulse jet filter and other gadgets which are needed in daily use by industries for ensuring smooth process of production and fulfilling their objectives. Also included in the list of our products are fume extraction system, bag filter, Id and Fd Fan, dust collector, Airfoil/Multivane fan, air blower, fan impeller, air pollution control systems and centrifugal fan and blower. Manufactured through a state of the art process with the help of ultra modern machineries and by using high quality raw materials, our products are guaranteed to be the ultimate solution to creating an eco friendly environment within and outside the factory premises. Technicians employed by us are qualified and highly experienced dedicated to deliver the best in the industry. Machineries used are of high specifications making it possible to deliver the end product at comparative low cost. Website: ID: Mo No.:
Air Pollution Control System Owing the expertise to manufacture the framework for the control of contaminated air, we offer air pollution control systems to help you get the fresh, clean air. Our framework, manage and control the all contamination system to produce the desirable result with international norms and standards.air pollution control systems The framework made by totally customized way guarantee you the contaminated free air from your consumptions. By the controlled system you can reach the level of least impurities and get the air free from smoke, vapor, dust and fog and pressurized canned products from the air. Through modern design and cost-effective ideas we can satisfy our customers. Our different trouble shooting systems has a variety of applications in the industry. Website: ID: Mo No.:
Dust Collectors The dust collector consists of different valves, filter cloths depending upon the contamination. The fan-tech dust collectors are of cartridge type dust collectors. By surveying your need and the location, the specific area from where the dust has to be removed, our experts make the very suitable design for the same. This type of dust collectors is very economical and the answer of the every dust regarding questions. Thus the dust collectors are very important part of the centralized system.dust collectors Applications :- The dust collectors are used in several industries like cosmetics, food, pharmaceutical, iron and steel industries, plywood and laminates. Plastics, dyes and chemicals, woodworking etc. Website: ID: Mo No.:
Bag Filter The hose bag type pulse jet filter is used for the control of the air pollution. The efficient bag filter enhances the quality working hours of the plant and also very determined factor in the work ability of the people concern. The bag filter is so prefer high quality as far as the health and hygiene are concerned for the persons and machines respectively.bag filter The product is very costly for many industries. This product is recovered from the exhaust gas. It is important for the pollution control as well as recovery of the particulate. For these two aspects, various methods are used like Cyclones, ESP, venture scrubbers, bag filters, multi dust collectors etc. The selection of the bag filter is very important for the quality filtration. Sometimes it’s seen the filter bag choke-up during the procedure. And it result the higher blower electric consumption. It leads the reduced air flow rate. Website: ID: Mo No.:
Centrifugal Air Blowers The air blowers have its vast uses in many industries like foundries, chemical industries, cement industry, plastic industry, paper industry, fertilizers, steel plants, petrochemical plants etc. the air blowers are also suitable for the household uses. The air blowers are made from different materials in various designs depending upon the application. The centrifugal air blowers are designed specially to fulfill the requirement of the client. It’s very efficient, high speed blower. The centrifugal suction/flow air blower has special features likecentrifugal air blowers Running smoothly Energy saver Available in direct V belt drive and couple drive options. Fabricated with steel plate. It has the volume up to 1,00,000 m3/hr. It has a pressure up to 1500mm w.g. Website: ID: Mo No.:
Contact us FAN-TECH INDUSTRIES No.8, Khodiyar Estate, Near Shakriba Industrial estate, Phase-IV, GIDC, Vatva Ahmedabad , Gujarat India Phone : Mobile: Website : Website: ID: Mo No.:
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