Cooperation of international societies to carry out the Forced Thickening of Ice against Global Warming Cooperation of international societies to carry out the Forced Thickening of Ice against Global Warming Prof. Hi-Ryong BYUN President, Korean Meteorological Society Dept. of Env. Atmospheric Sciences, Pukyong National University 3 Nov. 2011
1. Reflection of solar energy at stratosphere or in troposphere by mirrors or aerosols. 2. Sequestration of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion. 3. Ocean surface fertilization. 4. Afforestation. => 1. Most of them have harmful side effects. 2. They need long time (100 years?) to reduce global temperature after normalization of CO2. One simple technique that has no harmful side effects, that can reduce global temperature as soon as it operates, and that it needs international cooperation. => It is the forced thickening of ice Techniques of Geo-Engineering Techniques of Geo-Engineering
There are long duration without ice over the sea, though both of air and water temperature are below zero. => Let’s use this nature to stop global warming.
1. Reflection of solar energy at stratosphere or in troposphere by mirrors or aerosols. 2. Sequestration of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion. 3. Ocean surface fertilization. 4. Afforestation. => 1. Most of them have harmful side effects. 2. They need long time (100 years?) to reduce global temperature after normalization of CO2. One simple technique that has no harmful side effects, that can reduce global temperature as soon as it operates, and that it needs international cooperation. => It is the forced thickening of ice Techniques of Geo-Engineering Techniques of Geo-Engineering
Positive feedback mechanism of sea ice formation Positive feedback mechanism of sea ice formation 1. The wider the ice cover over sea is, the more sunshine reflects. Albedo of Ice = 0.6~0.9 Albedo of water = 0.08 Albedo of water = 0.08 => Air becomes cooler. => Air becomes cooler. 2, The cooler the air becomes, the more the ice forms. 2, The cooler the air becomes, the more the ice forms. 3. This is positive feedback => It will stop global warming. 3. This is positive feedback => It will stop global warming.
Procedure of Forced Thickening of ice Procedure of Forced Thickening of ice Method Spray cold water over sea surface and get an ice plate on sea surface. 2. Ice will glow upward by rain and snow and downward attaching the fresh water in sea during the whole winter.
Procedure of Forced Thickening of ice Procedure of Forced Thickening of ice Method Raise sea water from sea surface and exposure it to cold air. => water freeze to ice plate => drop the ice plate to water and raise another water. = Continuous operation. 0. Ice will glow upward by rain and snow and downward attaching the fresh water in sea during the whole winter. => Same effects with method 1.
Effects Effects 0. FTI is possible from Nov. till May (5 months) => More ice can be made. 0. Original ice bergs do not melt during summer because of this man-made ice. 0. The Earth absorb an additional energy of 0.85 Wm -2 by global warming (Hansen et al., 2005)=> This warming will stop when additional 4.8 * 10 6 km 2 were covered with ice. This is 40% of total area above 35 Latitude (N and S) (Byun et al., 2008). 0. International cooperation is needed to widen ice cover over sea for stopping of global warming. 0. IFMS is the best society to capture global warming.
The End The End Thank you!! Thank you!!