Places of Interest in Great Britain Из опыта работы учителя ГУО «Средняя школа №62 г.Гомеля» Ющенко Жанны Михайловны Places of Interest in Great Britain London — the capital of Great Britain is situated on the Thames River. It is the largest city in Europe with a population of eight and a quarter million. It is divided into four parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The City is the business and commercial heart of London. Many banks, offices and firms are concentrated there.
Intereting places and sights Canary Warf – trading and business center at the metro station with the same name. Here it is a lot of shops, boutiques, pubs and restaurants. This place is useful to you if you live in East End. Well-known Oxford Street. This center of the big department stores (necessarily come in Selfriges and Debenhams), and small boutiques of all known marks. Here it is possible to buy everything and if you are late in London at least for some days can quite find excellent things at very pleasant prices for sales. Certainly, first of all here it makes sense to buy all British – for example, footwear Clark's, teddy bears of Teddi and the well- known English porcelain.
The Tower bridge The Tower bridge – the legendary place perfectly known of the Russian youth on a song of Zemfira, has made a little gloomy impression. The matter is that there was a terrible cold wind, characteristic for November. But all the same this place is worthy, as one of sign in London. Besides, quite good panoramic pictures of Thames and its vicinities therefrom turn out.
The London Eye The London Eye – a big wheel. Huge, with the convenient closed booths, it costs directly on river bank opposite to Westminster. If to you will carry with weather for memory there are excellent photos of the center of London.
Sherlock Holmes's museum on Becker-street. If you the Russian person and at you the refletion, most likely, on road will catch itself on thought that go to Livanov's museum is developed. Holmes's museum – absolutely charming place. Livanov's photo really hangs in the centre of the big board with different Holmes's photos, and even the queen recogniced that it – the best. And the house at all that in "our" film. The very narrow creaking short flight of stairs curls to the fourth floor. On the top, under a roof, a room with touching, almost gjel a set sanitary technicians of the beginning of 20 centuries, hardly more low – Watson's room and nearby a room of Mrs. Hudson.
Watson in a room has a wooden box with a ceramic funnel – as a dry closet. Strange, but for some reason only at Watson. Some rooms are devoted different plots – there stand, lie, sit and wax figures from stories of Konan-Doil hang down from garret windows. On the second floor – Holmes's room, cozy, small, with every possible banks-bottles. And in the big general drawing room in a fireplace live (!) fire burns and it seems that Holmes with Watson left five minutes ago to walk on park Rigent that through road … On a coffee table a tube, nearby on a chair a violin, all in a pleasant disorder and so on live … …