{ Mass Society & Democracy
Wages up, goods cost low = consume more Assembly line developed by Henry Ford = efficient manufacturing and mass production First department stores to buy STUFF! New Patterns
Not everyone industrialized Southern Italy, most of Austria-Hungary, Spain, Portugal, the Balkan kingdoms and Russia stay agricultural They provide food and raw material to the rest Lower standard of living South & East Europe
Europe receives: Beef & wool from Argentina, Australia Coffee from Brazil Iron ore from Algeria Sugar from Java Other places consume European manufactured goods World Economy
Rural people migrate to urban cities to get jobs Between London grew from 960,000-6,500,000 Growth partially due to better sanitation and public health Require running water and internal drainage “From the toilet to the river in half an hour!” Gas and electric heaters mean hot baths! Mass Society
Rich get richer = top 5% controlled 30-40% of wealth Middle classes Working classes 80% of European population Most people can buy stuff Social Structure
Industrial Revolution opens up jobs – teachers, clerks, typists, secretaries, file clerks, salesclerks, nurses But the most honorable & available? Lower birth-rate Women’s rights: Feminism grows stronger Right to own property, divorce, university, suffrage? Social Structure: Women Marriage
Universal education Primary education required for boys & girls 6-12 If more people can vote, let’s make them smarter School instills patriotism Increase in literacy Which means mass media: newspapers Education
What do you do for fun on your free time? Read Amusement parks Dance halls Organized sports teams Many of these cost money, what sells is promoted Free Time!
1. Universal male suffrage 2. Prime Minister responsible to popularly elected body called ministerial responsibility 3. Mass political parties form Great Britain & France had forms of democratic republics The German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Russian Empire all had strong Emperors Political Democracy around Europe
Wants Germany’s “rightful place in the sun” By 1907 Germany opposes France, Great Britain, & Russia = creating the allied Triple Entente Germany allies with Austria-Hungary & Italy to create the Triple Alliance William II
Balkan states gain their freedom from Ottoman Empire Austria-Hungary vs. Russia for “influence” of Balkans Serbs want a large Serbian kingdom, Russia supports Balkan wars, revolutions, blood fest Crises in the Balkans
Monet Picasso Renoir Van Gogh Cezanne Modernity
Architecture Skyscrapers & fancy housing with concrete
Marie Curie discovered radium gave off energy, radiation, and atoms are active Curie & the Atom
Theory of Relativity A universe without certainty and atomic power Einstein
Social Darwinism & Racism Used to explain western dominance “It is science” Social progress = survival of the fittest Fittest nations & people would survive German man, Chamberlain, believed Germans were descendant of a superior race of Aryans who Jews were out to destroy Extreme Nationalism
Anti-Semitism not new Blamed for economic problems in Germany & Austria-Hungary Worse in Russia: organized massacres about 25,000 Jews immigrate to Palestine (ancient Israel) in Muslim Ottoman Empire Becomes home of Jewish nationalism called Zionism Anti-Semitism & Zionism