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Table of results pH of liquid to water cotton wool Measurement of cress seeds (cm) Average
Conclusion Up to 6, the pH helps the cress plants to grow
Table of results Number of pupilsHeight in cms
Graph of results
Conclusion The greater the number of pupils the more the height changes
Table of results Length of wire (cm) Current (amps) 1 2 Average
Conclusion The longer the wire the less the value of the current
Results PlantGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Average % Clovers % Grasses % Leaves % Barley grass % Thistles % Thorns % Weeds % Soil %
Conclusion The plants with the biggest leaf areas covered the most ground
Results chart Height of ramp (cm)Speed (m/s)
Graph of speeds reached
Conclusion The speed of the car always increases if the ramp is made higher