The good, the bad, and the crazy Roman Emperors The good, the bad, and the crazy
Caligula Started off normal and quite popular but went crazy Killed his mother Tried to fight a war with Poseidon Made his horse a consul
Nero First thought of as a great emperor but was insane Murdered his wife and mother Accused of letting Rome burn while he fiddled Threw thousands of Christians to the lions
Nerva Ended harsh policies of former emperors Land reforms that helped poor Changed how successors were chosen Chosen by emperor rather than oldest male relative
Trajan First emperor not from Rome (Spanish) Great conqueror Rome reached its greatest size Gave money for education
Hadrian Was a traveler Made laws easier to understand Built a well-known wall in Britain Decided Rome was to big and gave up land
Antonius Pius Interested in religion and doing things right He was pius Rome was at peace Enacted laws to help orphans
Marcus Aurelius Known as a stoic philosopher Reformed the Roman law Believed actions not words mattered Reformed the Roman law Defeated the Parthian Empire
Diocletian Good and bad Split Rome into two parts, too big Eastern and Western Empire Persecuted people because of religion Christians
Constantine Converted Rome to Christianity Moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium Later renamed it Constantinople Took Money from Rome to do this Weakened the Western Empire