Ijlās ‘Ām Majlis Khuddāmul Ahmadiyya Canada
Tilawat & Translation (2: ) The similitude of those who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah is like the similitude of a grain of corn which grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies it further for whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is Bountiful, All- Knowing. They who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah, then follow not up what they have spent with taunt or injury, for them is their reward with their Lord, and they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Tilawat & Translation (2: ) [2:262] ان لوگوں کی مثال جو اپنے مال اللہ کی راہ میں خرچ کرتے ہیں ایسے بیج کی طرح ہے جو سات بالیں اُگاتا ہو۔ ہر بالی میں سو دانے ہوں اور اللہ جسے چاہے (اس سے بھی) بہت بڑھا کر دیتا ہے۔ اور اللہ وسعت عطا کرنے والا (اور) دائمی علم رکھنے والا ہے۔ [2:263] وہ لوگ جو اپنے اموال اللہ کی راہ میں خرچ کرتے ہیں، پھر جو وہ خرچ کرتے ہیں اُس کا احسان جتاتے ہوئے یا تکلیف دیتے ہوئے پیچھا نہیں کرتے، اُن کا اجر اُن کے ربّ کے پاس ہے اور اُن پر کوئی خوف نہیں ہو گا اور نہ وہ غم کریں گے۔
Pledge of a Khādim أَشْهَدُ أنْ لَّا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَأشْهَدُ أنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُوْلُهُ
Pledge of a Khādim I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship accept Allah, He is One and has no partner, and I also bear witness that Muhammad ( ﷺ ) is His servant and His messenger. I solemnly pledge that I shall always be ready to sacrifice my life, wealth, time and honour for the sake of my faith, country and nation.
Pledge of a Khādim Likewise, I shall be ready to offer any sacrifice for guarding the institution of Khilāfat Ahmadiyya. Moreover, I shall deem it essential to abide by any 'Marūf' decision made by Khalīfatul Masīh. Inshā’Allāh
Poem – English Translation O young ones of the Jama`at, I have something to say, but on the condition that my message should not be a waste I would like to give you some advice, so that there is no blame on me afterwards When we pass away, all of the responsibilities shall fall upon your shoulders; forsake the slackness; do not seek comforts Know that service to religion is a Grace of Allah; do not ever seek (worldly) rewards in return for it Discard greed, develop righteousness and contentment; do not let wealth become your beloved, nor let wealth become a luxury Become inclined, whole-heartedly to regularity in Prayer and Fasting; never ignore any part of the Commandments If you possess wealth, then Zakat and Alms from it; have constant concern for the needy, not grief for the days.
Importance of Financial Sacrifices
Questions to address in this Presentation Why Financial Sacrifice? Benefits of Financial Sacrifice? Are their examples of these blessings in this age? – Inspiring Examples Why is Chanda Collected? What is it used for? What is Nizam Wasiyyat and Why consider joining?
Importance of Financial Sacrifice God enjoins true believers to adopt righteousness and follow His commandments. One general commandment of God is to spend in His cause. The Ahmadiyya Jama‘at comprehended the spirit of such causes because we have accepted the reformer and Imam of our age. Ahmadis have gained the insight that financial sacrifice lead us to become those described as Muflihoon. Muflihoon mean those who succeed, prosper, accomplish their good desires, seek God’s pleasure and grace both in this world as well as in the Hereafter.
Importance of Financial Sacrifice God states that by spending in the way of Allah, is treated like a good loan by God and is rewarded by success and prosperity. Those who spend in the cause of Allah not only attain financial rewards but are also granted forgiveness and their capacity to do good is enhanced. Today, it is the Ahmadi Muslims who have insight of spending in the way of God and it is they who are recipients of God’s beneficence. These are not just empty words, rather, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih receives hundred and indeed thousands of reports time and again where Ahmadis present their sacrifices with great fervour.
So Why Financial Sacrifice? 1. Save yourself from ruin: And spend in the way of Allah and do not cast yourselves into ruin with your own hands. (2:196) 2. Attain righteousness: You cannot attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love; and whatever (2:266)
So Why Financial Sacrifice? 3. Blessings in your wealth The similitude of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like the similitude of a grain of corn which grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies it further for whomsoever He pleases. (2:262) 4. Reward and no fear... For them is their reward with Lord, and they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve (2:263)
Why financial sacrifice? Wisdom of the Prophet (sa): “All was saved, except one leg” (Hadīqatus Salihīn p.709)
Why financial sacrifice? Wisdom of the Promised Messiah (as): “Doomed are the people who spend hundreds for show and display, but when it comes to spending in the way of Allah, they find all sorts of excuses.” (Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, volume 3, p. 156)
Why financial sacrifice? What is Chanda used for? Our beloved Khalifatul-Masih V(aa) states: “A believer should never hesitate or be reluctant to spend in the way of Allāh.” (Friday Sermon, January 9, 2015)
Expenditure of the Financial Sacrifices Financial Sacrifice is Spent on Tabligh Publication of the Holy Qur’an & other literature Construction of Mosques / Mission Houses Establishment of Schools Establishment of Radio Stations to broadcast teachings of Islam Hospitals Other Humanitarian works
Inspiring Incidents – Friday Sermon January 9,
3 rd `Ashra Mal of MKAC Fri Sep 11 – Sun Sep 20, 2015 Target: 100% Membership Collection 100% Chanada Ijtima` Collection
Nizam Wasiyyat
Nizam Wasiyyat – What and Why?
Glad Tidings of the Heavenly Graveyard
What are the Conditions? There are only two conditions to join this blessed scheme : 1.One will be a Righteous person 2. He/she will pay 10% of his/her income and devote 10% of his/her property. These funds shall be used for the noble cause to spread Islam, take care of orphans, widows and poor. In short it will help the world to submit to their Lord.
Nizam Wasiyyat – Join it!
Wasiyyat Resources The Will by the Promised Messiah(as)-English Version The Will by the Promised Messiah(as)-Urdu Version Will (Wasiyyat) Form
Reap the blessings & make history! MKAC is celebrating 50 Years of AMJ in Canada by having 200 More Khuddam become Musi’an by April 30, 2015
Closing Remakrs by guest – ROR & Shūrā
Review of Religion
Review of Religion Target: 1200 Subscription
Shūrā Shūrā is an Arabic word which literally means consultation. Usually under a system of proportional representation, Muslims gather and, through debate, forward formed opinions to the Khalifah which they feel are for the betterment of the Ummah (in our case for the betterment of Majlis).
Importance of Shūrā Majlis Shūrā is a sacred institution established under divine command. Therefore, we should jealously guard its sanctity and avail all possible means to bring this fact to the notice of the members. This institution can be found at the very core of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at being only second in importance to the institution of Khilafah.
Importance of Shūrā In addition to the regular representatives of the Majlis, other members, particularly the members of local Majlis ‘Amila must attend the Majlis Shūrā as observers. In addition to the formal system of Shūrā, there also exists a personal system whereby members can either arrange sittings (Mulaqat) with the Khalifah or write to him directly and discuss any issue they feel to be of importance.
Shūrā Proposals If a Majlis wishes to have its proposal(s) included in the agenda, such a proposal(s) must first be approved during the general body meeting of that Majlis as well as by the local Majlis ‘Amila of that Majlis. A general body meeting of Local Majlis should be held prior to the Meeting of Majlis Shūrā. The Shūrā representatives are required to attend this meeting. They would generally present viewpoint of their Majlis in Majlis Shūrā. If new information comes to their knowledge, which changes their view, they may present their new opinion.
Sample Proposal
Discussion & Important Dates Discussion on at least one Proposal from Local Majlis Deadline to submit Shūrā Proposal to Markaz – Saturday September 26, 2015 26 th National Majlis Shura MKAC – Sat & Sun October 17 – 18, 2015 at Baitul Islam Mosque
Jazak’Allah! Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Canada