New Economic Policy After independence disparity between races was widening. Communities identified with economic activities. Poverty in rural areas alarming. Considered as an obstacle towards national unity. There was always a feeling of dissatisfaction. Exploded in the form of May incident.
New Economic Policy introduced. To be carried out for 20 years, with four 5 year plans to achieve the objectives of NEP. NEP aimed at eradicating poverty regardless of race. Race identification with economic activity to be overcome. Society restructuring will take place. This was an effort to achieve national unity which in turn will lead to national integration.
What were the steps taken -Employment opportunities created through development in industrial and agricultural sector with new land open up and development projects launched. Rural education improved. Training provided. There was improvement in infrastructure. Government agencies streamlined with the task of helping farmers to earn extra income. Such agencies include FAMA, RISDA, MARDI
-Modern agricultural techniques introduced by regional agricultural advancement agencies such as KADA, MADA -Bumiputera participation in economic development very much encouraged. -Share ownership – Bumiputera 30%, non 40%, foreign investors 30%. For this purpose ASN, Amanah Saham MARA were launched. New land development plans under DARA, KEJORA, KETENGAH, JENGKA
National Cultural Policy Guidelines drawn in a congress on culture held in August A governmentally bound social engineering for the creation of a national culture which in turn will lead to national integration. Principles on which it was based -National culture of Malaysia must henceforth be based on the cultures of the indigenous people to the region
-Elements from other cultures which are judged to be suitable and reasonable may be incorporated into Malaysia’s national culture. -Islam will be an important element in the national culture Various ethnic groups will be taken into consideration when formulating the NCP
Advisory Council formed to advise Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports on cultural matters. Council’s members experts on cultures and representatives from various races. Encompasses artistic and symbolic aspects as well as language, norms and its values. -Malay language official language, medium of instruction, but also medium of instruction in daily communication in schools and universities
and to be used widely in all aspects Norms and cultures to be based on those of indigenous people but those of indigenous group which are universal to be absorbed into the national culture. Such norms include positive ones such as unity of people, loyalty towards country e.g gotong royong.
Opposition towards national cultures shown. It would erode ethnic identities. Non-Malays ‘malayize’. Accusations not reasonable because freedom of language and religion still exist.
Rukun Negara Introduced on 31/8/1971 by National Legislative Council after May 13 Incident. Main aim to foster national unity which will led to national prosperity and development and pave the way for national integrity. Aims -Create a common identity by eliminating racism parochialism replacing them with solidarity
-Cherish, respect and maintain democratic principles and follow them strictly -Build a fair and just nation where everybody is treated justly irrespective of race or religion. -Build a liberal Malaysian Society where the people are free to live their own life, voice their opinion and make their own choices.
-Build a progressive, knowledgeable society in line with the development of science and technology Five principles of Rukun Negara -Belief in God -Loyalty to King and Country -Honour of the Constitution -Sovereignty of the Law -Courtesy and Politeness
Foremost tenet. Islam official religion. Other communities allowed to practise own religion. Religion will ensure good moral values such as loyalty, patience, fairness. To guide and unite Malaysians of various religions. King symbol of sovereignty, freedom and solidarity and strength of the country. Position of rulers not to be questioned. Disloyalty to the King is being disloyal to the country. Upholding this principle will inculcate in citizens a sense of
-responsibility – obeying laws, protect public properties, sincerity in carrying out duties -Patriotism – respecting National Anthem, National Flag, not disclosing national secrets, willingness to defend the country against foreign threat. -Usefulness - productive at work, involve in development activities, participation in national events
Constitution highest set of laws. Must be followed strictly and upheld with respect. Also respect all laws passed through provisions in the Constitution Laws of the country are ultimate/sovereign. Abide by the laws. Equal treatment for all in the eyes of the law regardless of race, religion and rank. Noble behaviour will create respect for each other, kindness, cooperativeness, tolerance
Such universal values leads to shared values which will lead to solidarity, peace, unity and finally national integration.
National Development Policy Development Plans MP MP MP MP MP MP MP5
MP MP MP MP9 Common Aims -Diversify the economy to reduce dependence on tin and rubber -The economic development between rural and urban areas to be balanced
-To rectify the socio economic imbalance between between the races in an effort to unify them. Considered vital for national integration. -Reduce and then eradicate poverty in stages -Emphasize large scale development first and the to cover all sectors of the economy
-Restructure society -Faster growth of a trading and industrialized Bumiputera society -United society Agencies set up to activate agricultural and rural development -RIDA 1953, FELDA 1956, FAMA 1965, MARDI 1969, FELCRA 1969, LPN 1971, Agricultural Bank 1969, KEJORA, KETENGAH, KESEDAR (during MP3), RISDA 1972, LPP 1973, MAJUIKAN 1973, PORIM 1979
Agencies set up to help Bumiputeras in trade and industry -PDPN 1962, MARA 1966, FIDA 1967, PERNAS 1970, UDA 1971, PNB 1978, ASN 1981, ASB 1991
Note: MARDI – Malaysia Agricultural Research and Development Institute LPN – Lembaga Perikanan Negara LPP – Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang PDPN – Pusat Daya Pengeluaran Negara MARA – Majlis Amanah Rakyat PERNAS – Perbadanan Nasional Berhad
UDA – Urban Development Authority MIDA – Malaysian Industrial Development Authority RISDA – Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority FIDA - Federal Industrial Development Authority
RIDA - Rural Industrial Development Authority FELDA – Federal Land Development Authority FAMA – Federal Marketing Authority FELCRA – Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority
KEJORA – Lembaga Kemajuan Johor Tengah KETENGAH – Lembaga Kemajuan Trengganu Tengah DARA – Lembaga Kemajuan Pahang Tenggara KESEDAR – Lembaga Kemajuan Kelantan Selatan