Climate Change in Kiribati and Migration Pacific Calling Partnership/Edmund Rice Centre Kiribati background Kiribati and climate change Mitigation, Adaptation, and Migration Maria Tiimon Chi-Fang
The Pacific Calling Partnership Began in recognition of the negative impact climate change was having on the Pacific Islands especially on low lying islands Committed to listening to what islanders are saying about imminent threats to their way of life and collaborating with them in passing this important message on. The PCP conducts advocacy campaigns, seminars, workshops and other community educational projects
made up of 33 coral atolls spread over 3.5 million square kilometres, along the equator and the international date line population105 thousand Kiribati
an average height of only 2-3 meters
Main diet
Local Houses
Effects of climate change Abundant breadfruit tree Breadfruit tree dead from drought and sea inundation
Coastal erosion/ heat/coral acidification
Ground water (well water)
Mitigation Adaptation Migration
What we prefer is that our great grandchildren grow up the way I did, and the way my wife and our brothers and sisters did, in our island communities, learning the traditions, customs, and culture of Tuvalu, and living out our way of life.
CLIMATE CHANGE DOESN’T FIT THE REFUGEE CATEGORY As a matter of law, people who move because of climate change don't fit the refugee category," says Jane McAdam, director of the International Refugee and Migration Law Project at the University of New South Wales in Australia. She recently edited a book called Climate Change and Displacement.
Kiribati President: Migration with dignity strategy is an investment in youth education to allow them to develop employable skills so that they can migrate to other countries voluntarily
MIGRATION WITH DIGNITY Kiribati Australia Nursing Initiative Pacific Seasonal Scheme Australia Pacific Technical College Other skills Pacific Islanders, we don’t want to be called climate refugees, we want to move with respect and dignity..
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Thank you (Kam rabwa )