Nez Perce Tribe Recycling & Wastewater Treatment Plant John Wheaton, Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources ext.3891
Special issues Working with Tribes on Construction projects Tribal Employment Rights Office % Jurisdiction Applicable Regulations (Tribal, EPA, State) Archeological Concerns (SHPO & THPO) Right-of-Way issues with State Highway and multiple tribal owners Waterway approvals from NOAA and Army Corp of Engineers
Needs on the Reservation Environmental remediation Roads Housing Developments Water/wastewater Storm water Fish passage This Presentation’s Focus –Solid Waste Management –Wastewater Treatment Plant
Waste, where does it go? Landfilling (Affects the land, air, water, eco systems) Backyard Burning (affects the air) Recycling (Diverts wastes)
Tribal Containers Large Roll-off bins accept –Metal, yard waste, trash, cardboard Save costs for picking up and dumping
Community Recycling Bin Modified bin by Lewis and Clark Recyclers in Lewiston, at no cost to the Tribe Proceeds go to the Tribe
Tribal Recycling Office paper * Recycled items collected by Tribal Recycling Center operations Community Events (Aluminum and Plastic)
Recycling for All Tribal Offices *400 sold to the Tribe by WSU surplus Aluminum Plastic Paper
Recycling Facility Separate Materials Create baled product for sale
Recycling Center Rural Development grant $65,000 for building development, baler, recycle trailers, forklift. Tribe dedicated 120 x 80 ft. building BeforeAfter
Sustainability Codes Public Health, Safety and Welfare: Tribal Solid Waste Management Code: Revenues (conservative) Potential Annual Earnings Total = $29,730 - Pays for 1 full-time technician, fuel, and tools Potential Development -Increase more recycling drop centers -Coordinate composting
Wastewater Treatment Plant Start up August 27, 2011 Approximately $7.7 million dollar project Partners and funding: USDA, IHS, Nez Perce Tribe, City of Lapwai, and the EPA
Wastewater Treatment Plant Tribally owned, City of Lapwai bought capacity into the plant The City pays annual operation and maintenance costs based on sewage flows Approximately $300,000 in revenue collection from billing 363 Equivalent Dwelling Units including shared O & M costs from the City of Lapwai
Wastewater Treatment Plant Plant uses cutting edge technology with a membrane bioreactor (MBR) filter system Produces Class ‘A’ water and bio-solids
Filtration/Separation o The membranes sit in the wastewater (mixed liquor) o Clean water is pulled through the membranes by pumps o Most bacteria, viruses, pathogens, solids, etc. are too large to pass through the membrane pores
Wastewater Treatment Plant Holding Tanks Revenue generated pays for 1 ½ full time operators and operation & maintenance
Wastewater Treatment Plant Electrical ranges from $50 - $70,000 annually Part of O&M Costs
14 pumps and biosolids pasteurized at high temperatures MBR Cartridges
The MBR Permeate is then transferred to a holding tank for Ultra Violet treatment to kill bacteria
Potential developments Wastewater Treatment Plant Bio Solids used in composting, producing a ton per week Green house from the effluent, about 100,000 gpd Thank you… John Wheaton, Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources x3891