How did you attract your audience?
To aim towards our target audience with accuracy and ease, we begin with the advertisement on the internet due to it being a popular place for younger people to discover things like this. Another form of advertisement would be on the TV as plenty of younger people watch TV regularly along with a lot of older age groups who might want to see a thriller. Advertisement would consist of mostly adverts and a few posters so it can be seen in the public eye, with the intention to at least get somebody to stop and look at it with interest.
The first set of screenings would be more local in order to initiate whether it would be a success or not, if it did then production and screening would expand across the UK and be enough for it to have successful reviews and comments.
What would make it attract an audience to watch our film would be that it is a psychological thriller. They have a smaller selling point than most other genres of thriller so it would attract a much more specific audience to go see it, having it more locally based and with everyday characters, showing that it can happen to even a normal lifestyle. Posters would have a coin in mid air being tossed with a face dimly lit in the background, having the title ‘Insanis’ on it with ‘Your call at the flip of a coin.’
When it came to people opinions on our film after seeing the title sequence, a lot of the feedback referred to the editing and the first shot the glass with ink flowing around inside of it. Comments were mainly positive and went to the flashy editing paired with the good range of close ups shown.