SERDP-ESTCP Overview/ Weapons Systems and Platforms Efforts Presented to JTEG Forum on Environmental Impacts and Worker Safety 3 May 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

SERDP-ESTCP Overview/ Weapons Systems and Platforms Efforts Presented to JTEG Forum on Environmental Impacts and Worker Safety 3 May 2016

2 Environmental Drivers Reduction of Current and Future Liability ● Contamination from Past Practices ● Groundwater, Soils and Sediments ● Large UXO Liability ● Emerging Contaminants ● Pollution Prevention to Control ● Life Cycle Costs ● Elimination of Pollutants and Hazardous Materials in Manufacturing Maintenance and Operations ● Achieve Compliance Through Pollution Prevention 2

3 Environmental Drivers Sustainability of Ranges, Facilities, and Operations 3 Maritime Sustainability Threatened and Endangered Species Toxic Air Emissions and Dust Sustainable FOB Noise UXO & Munitions Constituents Climate Change

4 SERDP-ESTCP Project Locations/Orgs 4

55 Program Area Management Structure Weapons Systems & Platforms Munitions Response Environmental Restoration Resource Conservation & Climate Change Energy & Water

66 Strategic Goals 1. Reduce the Cost of Legacy Environmental Problems 2. Achieve Sustainability of Ranges and Operational Areas to meet testing and Training Requirements and Environmental Obligations 3. Eliminate Hazardous Materials from Weapons Systems and Platforms Maintenance and Manufacturing 4. Address DoD Requirements with Respect to Climate Change 5. Sustainable Operations of Deployed Forces Goals Tightly Linked to DoD Requirements and Objectives Quantitative Metrics and Specific Milestones Developed 6

77 SERDP Investment Approach ● SERDP’s Investments Are Structured Through Annual Statements of Need (SON) ●SON reflect: ♦Longer term strategic plans to address high priority requirements  Groundwater liability, live fire ranges, UXO, marine mammals and sonar, eliminating Cr +6 etc.  Issue-specific workshops form basis for strategic plans ♦Increasing Focus on Sustainability and O&M Costs  Success at reducing costs of legacy liabilities  Need to reduce costs and long term vulnerability at installations and ranges  Need to reduce life cycle costs of weapon systems

88 ESTCP ● Environmental Security Technology Certification Program ● Demonstrate innovative cost-effective environmental and energy technologies  Capitalize on past investments  Transition technology out of the lab ● Promote implementation  Facilitate regulatory acceptance

99 ESTCPSERDP Environmental Technology Development Process Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense – Energy Installations and Environment

10 Services’ Requirements Services’ Requirements SERDP Committees Army Navy Air Force DOE EPA SERDP Committees Army Navy Air Force DOE EPA R&D Proposals R&D Proposals Open Solicitation Open Solicitation Statements Of Need Statements Of Need Funded Projects Funded Projects Management Process In-Progress Reviews In-Progress Reviews

11 SERDP Technical Committees ● Members represent technical staff and research management from SERDP Federal Partners ● Responsible for first level planning, review and development of program ● Provide significant time to SERDP  Key to the effective execution of SERDP ● Provide method for coordination across agencies 11

12 Investment Approach ● SERDP’s Investments Are Structured Through Annual Statements of Need (SON) 12 ● Longer term strategic plans to address high priority requirements ♦Groundwater liability, live fire ranges, UXO, marine mammals and sonar, eliminating Cr+6 etc. ♦Issue-specific workshops form basis for strategic plans ● Focus on Sustainability and O&M Costs ♦Reduce costs and long term vulnerability at installations and ranges ♦Reduce life cycle costs of weapon systems ● Responsive to evolving requirements  Emerging Contaminants  Pb-free electronics  Policy Goals  Climate Change vulnerability and adaptation

13 Manufacturing and Maintenance ­ Green materials and processes (principally related to surface engineering technologies) ­ Control and monitoring (accelerated aging and field demonstrations) Green Energetics ­ New Materials ­ Alternative Manufacturing Air and Noise Emissions ­ Diesels and Gas Turbines ­ Weapons and Munitions ­ Ship and Industrial Weapons Systems and Platforms Partnerships with Acquisition, OEM, and Maintenance Community

14 SERDP/ESTCP Investments Related to Corrosion ·DoD assets are subject to significant degradation due to corrosion, with specific impacts in following areas ·Financial: $18-$22 billion annually ·Readiness: Weapons systems routinely out of commission ·Safety: Weapon systems mishaps documented ·Many materials used to impart corrosion resistance have environmental and/or worker safety concerns SERDP and ESTCP Webinar Series (#29)

Electrodeposition of Nanocrystalline Co-P Coatings as a Hard Chrome Alternative Results ● nCoP meets the majority of acceptance criteria for coating quality, adhesion, fatigue, corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement, fluid compatibility, wear, and impact testing. ● It is anticipated that nCoP may be widely specified per MIL-DTL as a hard chrome alternative on the basis of testing completed to date. NAVAIR FRC SE Jacksonville Benefits ● Implementation will eliminate environmental and worker safety concerns associated with the hexavalent chromium used in DoD plating operations.

16 Team: Benet Laboratories, Army Research Laboratory, Ares Inc., High Energy Metals, Inc., TPL, Inc., General Dynamics ATP Eliminating Chromium from Medium Caliber Gun Barrels Results  Process to explosively bond Tantalum-10% tungsten liners to the insides of medium caliber cannons.  Firing tests demonstrated that the lined tube showed superior wear resistance – lasts >three times as long as chrome-plated tube. Benefits  Eliminates the use of hexavalent chromium in medium caliber gun barrels while providing superior performance and reduced life cycle costs.

17 Non-Chrome Primers – WP ● NAVAIR PAX long term project to evaluate non-Cr primers ● Evaluation of various new NC primer alternatives  Latest info from Julia Russell, NAVAIR PAX ASETSDefense Workshop, Fort Myer 2014  PPG-DEFT 02-GN-084 Rare Earth NC primer authorized by NAVAIR over chromate pretreats  H46 testing of NC system – Alodine T5900 RTU pretreat, Hentzen 17176KEP primer ● NAVAIR has developed Al-rich primer as alternative to chromated primer on aluminum, MIL-PRF primers on mixed metals and zinc-rich primers on steel  Initial test results look very promising 17 Al-rich primer 20 mos KSC, with and without topcoat

18 Optimum Cadmium Alternative (WP ), Hill AFBWP ● Data shows best alternative to Cd is Al ● Why not electroplated Al or IVD?  Electroplates from toluene  Enclosed line, high capital cost  IVD vacuum process, uptime problems ● LHE ZnNi is taking over from Cd  Why? ZnNi electroplates from aqueous solution (just like Cd), so no enclosed or vacuum line  Better performance than Cd  Not attacked by standard alkaline cleaners  Works best with trivalent passivate

19 Advanced Coatings Project ● Aim: Eliminate 90% Cd and Cr 6+ from depot maintenance in 5 years ● Findings so far:  Evals of Tinker AFB, NADEP JAX, Letterkenny AD  Quantified all Cd and Cr6 usage  Evaluated all processes ● Report recommendations and strategy based on  Impact to reduction targets  Impact to operations  Likelihood of adoption 19

20 ESTCP Projects to Address Cr 6+ ● FY2000: Non-chromate Aluminum Pre-treatments (NAVAIR Pax River) ● FY2005: Validation of Novel Electroactive Polymers as Environmentally Compliant Coatings for Replacement of Hexavalent Chromium Pretreatments (NAVAIR China Lake) ● FY2006: Low Temperature Powder Coatings (Hill AFB) ● FY2007: Joint DOD Demonstration and Validation of Magnesium Rich Primer Coating Technology (NAVAIR Pax River) ● FY2008: Ultraviolet Curable Powder Coatings (AFRL) ● FY2008: Ultraviolet Curable Coatings for Aerospace Applications (Hill AFB) ● FY2009: Validation/Demonstration of Anti-Corrosion Inhibitor Primer Formulations as Replacements for Hexavalent Chromium Military Primer Coatings (NAVAIR China Lake) ● FY2009: Non-Chromate, ZVOC Coatings for Steel Substrates on Army and Navy Aircraft and Ground Vehicles (ARL)

21 Recent ESTCP Projects to Address Cr 6+ ● FY2010: Electrocoat Process for Non-Chromate Primers in DoD Manufacturing (AFRL) ● FY2011: Chromium Elimination and Cannon Life Extension (Benet Labs) ● FY2011: Comprehensive Evaluation and Transition of Non-Chromated Paint Primers (NAVAIR Pax River) ● FY2012: Chrome Replacement for Gun Barrels (NAVSEA Dahlgren) ● FY2013: Environmentally Friendly Fastener Coating Demonstration (PPG) ● FY2013: Environmentally Friendly Zirconium Oxide Pretreatment (ARL) ● FY2013: Improved Magnesium Protection for DoD Aviation and Weapon Component Technology (ARL) ● FY2015: Demonstration and Validation of Siloxane-Based Aircraft Topcoats that are Isocyanate-Free and Provide a Reduced Environmental Impact (NRL)

22 Sources of Information ● All SERDP and ESTCP Project info is available at the Weapons Systems and Platforms program area at Areas/Weapons-Systems-and-Platformshttps:// Areas/Weapons-Systems-and-Platforms ● Reports, Authorizations, Implementations, data on Coatings and Surface Treatments are all available on the ASETSDefense Database at ● Database for new HTML5-compatible browsers: ● Database, older browsers: ● ASETSDefense Website (Workshop Briefings, general info on alternatives):

23 SERDP/ESTCP Initiative ● Numerous surface-engineering-related projects executed by SERDP, ESTCP and other organizations to develop and evaluate new technologies that are more environmentally friendly and reduce life-cycle costs ● Problem is that stakeholders and weapons systems owners do not have ready access to data to determine if new technology can be implemented ● ASETSDefense is an initiative intended to develop information data bases and organize workshops associated with technologies in the surface engineering field; web site is entry point to engineering data and materials selection data bases under development Plans are being formulated to Host next ASETSDefense workshop December Shades of Green, Orlando, FL