Isabel Gutierrez Period
Intro Paragraph I choose Terrorism to show how the world reenacts with other people. The part of terrorism I choose was with the U.K. Their graph shows the most of highly risk of threats and attacks. What makes it interesting about it is after it makes every one scared if it might happen again. So choosing this topic made me wonder where the most terrorism or the highest threat in the world was at it was in the U.K.
Graph Explanation This graph shows how the world terrorism is effecting the world last year on august shows severe meaning an attack is highly likely. This graph on the x axis is how highly or lowly we are. Y axis is the date and the year where it shows where we were at in the treat levels. Last time we were in the critical was in 2006 and this graph shows in the U.K.
Table/Chart/Stats Explanation This chart is the arrest and outcome with the terror attack in September 11,2001 ending in March 31,2015 “the number of persons proceeded against by the CPS for terrorism- related activity the legislation under which persons have been prosecuted and convicted the sentence length given to those convicted for terrorism-related offences the outcome of appeals against convictions or sentences.’’ This is explains more about the chart.
Timeline Jan , the first seven letter bombs delivered June , Glasgow international airport attack May , Exeter bombing
Primary Source Osama Bin Ladien was the master mind to terrorist attacks that have happened on 9-11 he was in the U.K. and he was the master mind to the people who started the terrorism on the plane. Osama Bin Ladien was responsible for the deaths on 9/11. When military went to Afghanistan to look for Osama to see if he was the master mind for the attack and the people said they don’t know where he is. Later on they found him and killed the master mind was killed right away.
Compare/Contrast Higher terrorist bombing in the U.K. after 9-11 before there was less Iraq is the highest of terrorism then the rest off the world. Iraq would be the first in the highest of terrorist bombings then Pakistan not as bad as Iraq the rest is very low.
Cause and Effect Terrorist plot and gain people to help for a religious act and to influence the audience. They do it so they can achieve a goal or an objective. Keet has a high chances to become a terrorism organization. This information was uploaded in 2013.
Solution Since 9-11 the U.S. is developing programs to help prevent more terrorist to hurt anymore people since of last year. The U.S. has damaged the terrorist networks.
Bibliography statistics statistics the-day-little-change-in-terrorist-threat-since-9-11/244835/ the-day-little-change-in-terrorist-threat-since-9-11/244835/ of-terrorism-criminology-essay.php of-terrorism-criminology-essay.php attacks-where-is-the-evidence/ attacks-where-is-the-evidence/15892