Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia WP1: Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status North Sea EMODnet Chemistry Partner contribution: NIOZ (as well as from other NL-NODC partners: RWS, TNO, IMARES)
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry NIOZ At start of project:1018 CDIs Currently: 1187 CDIs Increase: 169 CDIs
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry NIOZ: Data from research cruises and coastal monitoring ‘Time series’ by repeating stations during different cruises Problem: Predominantly CTD casts: Temperature and Salinity profiles Chemical parameters were measured, but not yet available Solution: Hired additional staff last September to make nutrient + other chemical data available Future: Chemical data (if measured) from all these CTD casts will be made available in the coming year Data from new cruises in the North Sea by NIOZ will be added
Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry Wadden Sea Long Term Ecosystem Research (WaLTER) project ( Make all data from Dutch part of the Wadden Sea (between North Sea and mainland) available Partners, a.o., RWS (Dutch government), IMARES, TNO-Geological Survey, NIOZ SeaDataNet approach (Vocabs, CDIs, etc.) and SeaDataNet technology Seamless integration with SeaDataNet and EMODNet
Wadden Sea Long Term Ecosystem Research (WaLTER) project 4421 CDIs on chemical parameters added during last few months and counting ! Future: Expand to North Sea for those NODC partners who haven’t done so yet Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia EMODnet Chemistry