1 THE PARTICIPATION IN THE CIPM MRA OF VMI Country Report of Vietnam at 14th meeting of APMP developing economies committee (DEC) Xi'an-China. 10th June.


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Presentation transcript:

1 THE PARTICIPATION IN THE CIPM MRA OF VMI Country Report of Vietnam at 14th meeting of APMP developing economies committee (DEC) Xi'an-China. 10th June 2007 Prepared by Duong Quoc Thao - VMI

2 Presentation in brief of CIPM MRA Workshop in South Africa 1.The importance of individual elements of the CIPM MRA to the overall strategy for the reduction of technical barriers to trade in a country. Prof. Andrew Wallard, Director of BIPM 2. CMCs How to smoothly navigate their review process Pedro Espina, Executive Secretary of the JCRB 3. The KCDB and strategies for participating in comparisons Claudine Thomas, KCDB Manage 4. Quality Management System and how to secure international recognition. Bob Kaarls, Secretary of the CIPM 5. The first CMC submission: lessons learned Hernando J.Florez R. Director of CENAMEP

3 Presentation in brief of CIPM MRA Workshop in South Africa cont. 6. Presentations of the situation concerning the implementation of the CIPM MRA of NMIs: Costa Rica; Croatia, Egypt; Kazakhstan; Kenya and Vietnam. 7. Workgroups: Development of work plans for implementation of the CIPM MRA in the each NMI.

4 The benefits of attending in the CIPM MRA Workshop in South Africa 1. The importance of the CIPM MRA to the overall strategy for the reduction of technical barriers to trade in a country. 2. General model of global MRA in connecting with RMOs. 3. The essence of the key comparisons, supplementary comparisons and bilateral comparison. 4. Procedure and plans of participation in the CIPM MRA. 5. Experiences of some NMIs which participate in the CIPM MRA

5 Activities of VMI toward CIPM MRA 1.Establishment and implement of the management system in accordance ISO/IEC for all laboratories of VMI 2. International comparisons ( example of mass and temperature) 2.1 APMP.M.H-K1.cAPMP.M.H-K1.c Hardness(Vickers30) Comparison type, Field: Key comparison in Mass, Hardness: 200 HV, 600 HV and 900 HV Status : In progress

6 Activities of VMI toward CIPM MRA 2.2 APMP.M.P-K7APMP.M.P-K7 Pressure measurements in oil (gauge mode) Comparison type, Field : Key comparison in Mass, Pressure Pressure: 10 MPa to 100 MPa Status: Approved for equivalence, Results availableResults available 2.3 APMP.M.M.K6APMP.M.M Comparison of mass standards Comparison type, Field: Key comparison in Mass, Mass Standards Mass: 1 kg, 500 g, 20 g, 2 g and 100 mg Status: Protocol complete

7 Activities of VMI toward CIPM MRA 2.4 APMP.T- S3APMP.T- S3 Comparison of industrial thermometers Comparison type, Field: Supplementary comparison in Thermometry, Industrial thermometry Temperature: -40 °C to 250 °C Status Approved and published 2.5 APMP –T-S3-03 Comparison of Temperature field Liquid – in – Glass Thermometer ASTM 40C S/N: 59 – 999 (V10.CN );- Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer S/N: 0833(V10.CN Status: Report in progress, Draft B


9 1.CURRENT STATUS Quality System ISO/IEC17025: 2005  Was accredited in 2001 by Vietnam Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (VILAS), member of ILAC and APLAC, and underwent a surveillance visit in March Local technical experts (3 : 2 from VILAS and 1 from local university) participated in the assessment.  Was assessed by Norwegian Accreditation (Norway) in April 2007 and awaiting approval. A Norwegian technical expert participated in the assessment.  Range for both assessments : – 40 to 420 ° C using SPRT, IPRT and LiGTs.

10 1.CURRENT STATUS (cont.) International comparison etc.  Temperature Laboratory participated in APMP Supplementary Comparison “ APMP.T-S3 ” in 2004  Range - 40 to 420 ° C using IPRT and LiGTs  Published in Appendix B of BIPM KCDB  Temperature Laboratory participated in a bilateral Technical Cooperation Project between VMI (Vietnam) and KRISS (Korea) in “ Harmonized method of fixed point calibration of SPRTs in temperature range ( - 40 to 420 ° C) ” in 2005.

11 2. STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO SUBMIT CMCs FOR PUBLICATION IN THE KCDB TO NOVEMBER 2008 CMC Scope: proposed and agreed within VMI. Temperature range from – 40 to 420 ° C using SPRT (temperature fixed points ), IPRT and LiGTs (comparison). Bilateral comparison to be arranged by June 2007 and to be completed by October 2007 Contact Chair of APMP TCT to request initiation of Bilateral Comparison SPRT at fixed points of temperature in range: (- 40 to 420 ° C). TCT Chair chooses one APMP NMI to partner with VMI for bilateral comparison. 4 months to undertake comparison, including final report

12 2. STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO SUBMIT CMCs FOR PUBLICATION IN THE KCDB TO NOVEMBER 2008 (cont.) On-site Peer review to be arranged by September 2007 if required and to be completed by November Contact APMP TCT Chair to evaluate need for Peer Review TCT Chair chooses APMP Experts for peer review if required.

13 2. STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO SUBMIT CMCs FOR PUBLICATION IN THE KCDB TO NOVEMBER 2008 (cont.) Intra-RMO review to commence in December 2007 and to be completed by February 2008 Submit documentation (re: QMS and CMCs) to APMP Secretariat in December 2007 Contact APMP TCQS & TCT Chair to submit QMS and CMC documentation. Comments from intra-APMP review by TCQS & TCT ( Jan. 2008). Revision of QMS, CMC documentation based on comments from TCQS and TCT (Feb. 2008).

14 2. STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO SUBMIT CMCs FOR PUBLICATION IN THE KCDB TO NOVEMBER 2008 (cont.) Inter-RMO review to be completed by September 2008 CMC submission in March months expected for inter-RMO review CMCs to be published in KCDB by September 2008

15 Thank You for your attentions !