GLOBE Student Climate Research Campaign Amsterdam 25 th September 2012 Matthijs Begheyn GLOBE Netherlands GLOBE Europe & Eurasia
Outline Science & Education Activities SCRC Year 2 plans Calendar
GLOBE Science & Education Activities e-Learning for Teachers Online modules being tested (Intro to GLOBE and Atmosphere, cloud protocol) ; stand-alone or supplement to teacher training GLOBE International Scientist Network Online resources for scientists working with GLOBE schools GLOBE Science blog Weekly posts on timely science topics Invite guest blogs by GLOBE scientists:
SCRC – Year 1 48 Countries Participating* from all six regions Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom Pilot virtual climate conference May Student presentations Video summaries, student reports, discussions, commenting and questions *Participation is concluded from data entry or direct contact with SCRC Team. If your country is NOT listed, contact
SCRC Year 2 (Sept 2012-Aug 2013) The focus for Phase 2 of the SCRC is climate research projects Goals for students (what will students do?) Students develop a climate research project focused on their local area. Students will submit abstracts and participate in a virtual climate conference in May 2013.
SCRC Year 2 – Research Focus Four thematic areas of climate investigation will be the focus of the climate conference. GLOBE schools are encouraged to focus their climate research in one of the following themes: Research Themes Researching your local climate Ecosystems and climate Water and climate Air pollution, human health and climate
SCRC Year 2 - Highlights Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) Great Global Investigation of Climate [Sept, Dec, March, June] Climate and Land Cover[Oct, Jan, Apr, July] Surface Temperature Field Campaign[Dec.] Phenology and Climate[Sept - June] Climate Competitions: Details available 1 July 1 August – 30 September Artifacts documenting local climate 15 January – 1 March Climate Video Competition
New developments
GLOBE song GLOBE We're from all the nations GLOBE Doing investigations GLOBE Water, soil and air GLOBE We measure and compare, to save the GLOBE And give us HOPE Yeh, that is GLOBE We're looking for the facts GLOBE To share them with our contacts GLOBE Gonna make sure today GLOBE This world will be ok, let’s save the GLOBE And give us HOPE Yeh, that is GLOBE
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