Our Solar System
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. -Psalm 19:1
Mercury Orbits closer to the Sun than any other planet, making it dry, hot, and virtually airless “A barren, dusty planet” Too small to hold an atmosphere, so there is nothing to protect it from meteors Cratered surface, like our Moon Surface temperatures range from -290 degrees Fahrenheit to 870 degrees.
Venus Thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and other gases, with swirling clouds of sulfuric acid Atmosphere is so thick that the pressure on Venus’s surface is 90 times the pressure on Earth---enough to crush a house flat The gases create a “greenhouse effect” that traps the sun’s heat, resulting in surface temperatures of up to 860° F
Mars “The Red Planet”---covered in iron oxide dust, or rust Landscape of craters, chasms, and old volcanoes Atmosphere consists primarily of carbon dioxide, with small amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and other gases Daytime temperatures can be similar to Earth’s, but because of the thin atmosphere, nighttime temperatures drop below -200 degrees Fahrenheit Surface temperatures and pressures are too low for water to exist in a liquid state. It is a cold, high-altitude desert.
Jupiter Largest of the planets Twice as heavy as all the other planets put together Made mostly of hydrogen and helium gas Has colorful bands that are caused by strong atmospheric currents The “Great Red Spot,” which is three times as big as Earth, is actually a giant hurricane-like storm that has been raging for hundreds of years
Saturn Second largest planet in the solar system Rings are made up of ice and dust particles that circle the planet Mostly made of liquid and metallic hydrogen and helium
Uranus Blue-green color comes from the methane gas present in its cold, clear atmosphere The planet rotates on its side, which means each hemisphere experiences days and nights that last for 42 years at a time Surface temperatures drop as low as -345 degrees Fahrenheit
Neptune Has an ocean of water, methane, and ammonia that is thousands of miles deep Atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium Winds blow at more than 1,200 miles per hour In the picture: the red layer shows scattered sunlight from a haze around the planet, the blue/green indicates methane, and the white areas are high altitude clouds that reflect sunlight above the atmosphere
Pluto Now classified as a dwarf planet So far from the sun that from Pluto’s surface, the sun would look only slightly bigger than any other star Takes Earth years to revolve around the Sun This picture shows Pluto and its moons, Charon, Nix, and Hydra. Charon is more than half Pluto’s size
Earth Oxygen-rich, protective atmosphere Moderate temperatures Plenty of liquid water A variety of chemicals Perfect conditions to support life
O Lord, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; The earth is full of Your possessions. There is the sea, great and broad, In which are swarms without number, Animals both small and great. They all wait for You to give them their food in due season. -Psalm 104:24, 25, 27
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