Confucian Personalities in the Chosôn Kingdom Role of Biographies in Confucian Historiography Government Haengjang (Account of Conduct) Private Biographical Notices
Confucian Personalities Chŏng Tojŏn, 정도전, Member of new Bureaucrat Class Commoner and Middle Elite Background Teacher at Reformed National Academy Advisor to Yi Songgye, Military Governer of a northern province Part of Pro-Ming Faction after 1368 Supporter of Yi Songgye’s Coup Reformer of Education and Government Composed first Chosôn Adminstrative Code – Patterned on Ming Law 鄭道傳 (1337 ?-died 1398),
Chông Tojôn Primary opponent of Government support of Buddhism and Daoism in late Koryô. Sought to Restructure Social Classes Role in Succession Struggles to Yi T’aejo Controversy over his Role in the Founding of the Kingdom Works: Sambongjip ( 삼봉집, 三峰 集 ) ChosŏnGyunggukjeon ( 조 선경국전, 朝鮮經國典 ) DaemyungryulChosŏnyuh hae ( 대명률조선어해, 大明 律朝鮮語解 ) Gyungjemungam ( 경제문 감, 經濟文鑑 )
Confucian Personalities Yi Hwang 李滉 (1501–1570) Yi Toegye Founder of the Tosan Sôwon (Tosan Academy) Founder of the Yôngnam School in Confucian Metphysics Involved in Court Purges Numerous Appointment in the Capital and Provinces Primary Debater of Yi-Ki Priority Metaphysics Gave Daily Lectures and composed the Sônghak sipdo : 聖學十圖, (Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning) for King Sônjo — 退溪全書 1681 — The Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning (hangul: 성학십도, hanja: 聖學十圖 ) 1746 — 退溪集 Outline and Explanations of the Works of Zhu Xi (hangul: 주자서절요, hanja: 朱子書節要 )Zhu Xi Commentary on the Scripture of the Heart (hangul: 심경석의, hanja: 心經釋義 ) History of Neo-Confucianism in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties (hangul: 송계원명이학통 록, hanja: 宋季元明理學通錄 )Neo-ConfucianismSongYuanMing The Four-Seven Debate (hangul: 사칠속편, hanja: 四七續篇 ): discusses Mencius's philosophy with Gi Dae-seungMenciusGi Dae-seung
Confucian Personalities Yi I (December 26, 1536– 1584) Yi Yulgok High Ranked Background Mother Famous as Painter and Calligrapher Confucian “Wunderkind” but also interested in Daoism and Buddhism Loved Politics and Service in the Court Opposing Debater in the Yi/Gi Debates Interest in Security and Military Affairs Composed Village Contracts
Yi Yulgok, continued Published Works: Questions and Answers at East Lake (hangul: 동호문답, hanja: 東湖問答 ) - Eleven articles about political reform. Memorial in Ten Thousand Words (hangul: 만언봉사, hanja: 萬言封事 )- Suggestions about Confucian learning, self-cultivation, and application to government administration. The Essentials of the Studies of the Sages (hangul: 성학집요, hanja: 聖學 輯要 ) - Fundamentals of Confucian ethics, self-cultivation and statecraft. The Secret of Expelling Ignorance (hangul: 격몽요결, hanja: 擊蒙要訣 ) - Systematic guide of learning. Daily Records of Lectures before the Throne (hangul: 경연일기, hanja: 經 筵日記 ) - Record of political events and happenings. The Complete Works of Yulgok (hangul: 율곡전서, hanja: 栗谷全書 ) was compiled after his death on the basis of the writings he bequeathed.
Confucian Personalities Chông Yagyong 丁若鏞 (Tasan 茶山 ) (1762–1836) Member of the Sirhak 실학 (Practical Learning School) Continued the lineage of T’oegye Studied Catholic Writings, esp. Matteo Ricci’s “True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven” ( Tianshi xi- i) Developed Personalistic Interpretations of the concept of Heaven Published Works: Kyôngse yup’yo (Designs for Good Government, Mongmin simsô (Admonitions on Governing the People) Hûmhûm sinsô (Towards a New Jurisprudence)
Confucian Personalities Song Si-yeol ( 송시열 ) : 宋時烈, 1607–1689), Long time Service in the government Ritualist Philosophy
Song Siyôl- continued Published Works Uamjip( 우암집, 尤庵集 ) UamSeonsanghoojip( 우암선생후집, 尤菴 先生後集 ) Uamyugo( 우암유고, 尤菴遺稿 ) Joojadaejeon( 주자대전잡억 ) Songseoseupyu( 송서습유, 宋書拾遺 ) Songseosokseupyu( 송서속습유, 宋書續拾 遺 ) Joojadaejeonchaui( 주자대전차의, 朱子大全 箚疑 ) Chôngseobunryu( 정서분류, 程書分類 ) Joojauhryusobun( 주자어류소분, 朱子語類 小分 ) Nonmaengmunuitonggo( 논맹문의통고, 論 孟問義通攷 ) 行狀 ) Shimgyungseokui( 심경석의, 心 經釋義 ) Shambangchwalyo( 삼방촬요, 三 方撮要 ) Songjadaejeon( 송자대전, 宋子 大全 ) Jangreungjimun( 장릉지문, 長陵 誌文 ) Youngreungjimun( 영릉지문, 寧 陵誌文 ) Songjungilmyojimyung( 송준길 묘지명 ) Sagyeseonsaenghangjang( 사계 선생행장, 沙溪先生