Establishing Accounts for the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) and Wireless Priority Service (WPS) Updated 8/2/2013
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 2 GETS is an emergency calling card service that can be used from any telephone to provide priority for emergency calls WPS is an add-on feature subscribed on a per-cell phone basis – works with existing cell phones in WPS equipped networks GETS Calling Card and WPS JOHN SMITH WA – GREEN CO EM Disaster Response Team #1 US CITY EOC *272 + Destination Number
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 3 Defining the Scope Request cards for the appropriate organizational level –Choosing a broader scope can allow greater organization between components –Ultimately you are responsible for the GETS cards or WPS phones, so establish mechanisms to Track who needs the services when they are hired or change jobs Track who no longer needs the services when the leave the organization or change jobs Ensure that your inventory is accurate
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 4 POC Responsibilities POCs (and Alternate POCs) agree to the following responsibilities: –Determining who should have GETS/WPS cards within the organization and limiting those services to only those personnel or positions that have a clear National Security/Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) duty –Submitting all GETS/WPS requests for eligible users –Distributing GETS cards to users (cards are sent only to the POC) –Familiarizing users with GETS/WPS –Reviewing monthly Call Detail Record (CDR) listing all GETS calls made by users in their organization and certifying that the calls constitute valid and appropriate GETS usage –Validating all GETS cards as required on a periodic basis
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 5 Who Should Be POC/Alternate POC Anyone in the organization –Acts under their own authority, or –Received guidance from a designated leader We recommend identifying an Alternate POC –Has same privileges as POC –Allows better chances for continuity of account maintenance Many groups list a “hands-on” person as POC and a senior leader as the Alternate POC
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 6 Who Should Have GETS/WPS? Emergency Operations Center (EOC) work stations Back-up EOC Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Computer/IT center Police/Fire dispatch Shelters Command vehicles Senior Leadership Media Relations Emergency Management and staff Police/Fire Chiefs and staff Police/Fire Field Command Department Heads and staff Team leaders Subject matter experts/trained specialists Others Individuals with an Emergency Preparedness and Response role Key Individuals should have GETS & WPS. Key locations and functions should have GETS.
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 7 GETS Example: City of 60,000 Mayor Council Members (4) City Manager Executive Assistant Assistant City Manager Redevelopment Manager Code Enforcement Officer Building Inspector City Attorney City Clerk Community Services Dir. Neighborhood Council Coordinator Engineering Director Associate Engineer Assoc. Civil Engr. Finance Director HR Director MIS Technicians (3) Property and Evidence Sup. Executive Secretary Chief of Police Captains (2) Lieutenants (5) Sergents (11) PD Dispatch (3) PD Homeland Sec. Unit* Park Superintendent Facilities Maint. Sup. Street Maintenance Sup. Sewer Maintenance Sup. Lead Mechanic Administrative Secretary Purchasing Agent Purchasing Clerk City Hall EOC (2)* City Engineering Dept.* Fire Chief Battalion Chiefs (4) Homeland Security Mgr Fire Inspector Deputy Fire Marshal FD Engine (2)* Operations Manager General Manager Maintenance Manager Admin/Finance Manager Transit-Admin (2)* Transit-Dispatch (2)* Transit-Maintenance (2)* Individuals: 63 cards*Locations: 12 cards
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 8 Deciding on WPS How will senior leadership and other key personnel communicate during an emergency? –If they do not have access to an emergency radio –If they cannot get to a landline to make a GETS call –If cellular networks are congested WPS is an add-on feature billed on the existing cell service invoice –WPS is the only priority service available on commercial cell phones for calling regular phone numbers –It is acceptable to request WPS on a personal phone for eligible personnel Use the WPS Fact Sheet enclosed with each GETS card to introduce WPS to senior leaders and other key personnel.
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 9 Facilities Configuration for GETS Make sure that all your facilities can access the 710 area code –Though published with other area codes, some switches are not programmed to allow it –Should be treated as a toll-free non-geographic area code Consider internal load on your phone system in case of emergency –Do key lines receive priority treatment? –What happens if your PBX (office phone system) fails? Do you have dedicated lines that connect directly to phone company? (Often fax lines, modems, and pay phones do this)
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 10 Next Steps Complete online registration –Go to or –Select Register link and complete forms –A GETS/WPS representative will contact you within five business days to review your request –Upon approval of your request, the POC will receive initial GETS cards and login information within about two weeks
Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications 11 Contact Information Website: or –To apply for or to manage your GETS or WPS account: Telephone: –Information/Sign-up: | –Trouble Reporting (24x7): GETS (4387) | GETS (4387) TTY: |