VLVnT08 Transformative Ocean Science through the VENUS and NEPTUNE Canada Ocean Observing Systems Martin Taylor President and CEO Ocean Networks Canada
VLVnT08 VENUS is located in two places: Strait of Georgia is a deep in- land basin, influenced by tides, wind, and river forcing. Depths to 300m: 3 sites Saanich Inlet is sheltered, has complex bio-chemical cycles, and is a model for eutrophic, low oxygen basins. At 100 m depth: 1 site
Oceans '08 Kobe
VLVnT08 Transformative Ocean Science and Technology Transformative Science –Integrated ocean system process studies –Continuous real-time measurement –Plate scale investigation –Interdisciplinary research – physical, chemical and biological processes –Dynamic web-based collaborative investigation by international research teams
Oceans '08 Kobe Earth-ocean processes and systems
VLVnT08 Transformative S&T Transformative Technologies –10KV continuous power supply –New solutions to power conversion and sub- sea connectors –New and modified instrumentation –System designed DMAS supporting remote control of instruments and real time data streaming to the Internet –Novel web-based analysis platforms
Oceans '08 Kobe Node insertion into TRF, MARS
Oceans '08 Kobe
Data Management and Archive System (DMAS)
Oceans '08 Kobe
Saanich Inlet: a Natural Laboratory 230m deep fjord with restricted water inflow… High productivity Anoxic bottom waters in summer Dissolved oxygen renews each fall VLVnT08
Supporting applied research A specialized cable extension onto the unstable slope of the Fraser Delta accelerometers and pressure sensors effects of dredge spoil dumping slope failures in hazardous conditions
See Data plots on our Website Zooplankton migration on April 5; Oxygen in Saanich Inlet for one week Chlorophyll at 40m April 5; Tidal forcing of salinity over a week in Strait of Georgia
VLVnT08 Science Research Themes Plate tectonic processes and earthquake dynamics Dynamic processes of fluid fluxes and gas hydrates in the sea bed Regional ocean/climate dynamics and effects on marine biota Deep-sea ecosystem dynamics Engineering and computational research
seismic tsunami Networks chemical current visual
VLVnT08 Applications of the Research Informing public policy –Hazard mitigation –Ocean-climate dynamics –Resource assessment –Security and sovereignty Creating economic and commercial development opportunities –Backbone system devt for global applns –Innovation in sub-sea instrumentation –DMAS for massive data handling –Knowledge products for public outreach
VLVnT08 Applications of the Research Promoting Public Education and Outreach –Web-site development for public access –Interactive and static exhibits for aquaria, science centres, museums, etc. –Oceans curricula for K-12 and PSE –Innovative research and education programs at the Bamfield Marine Research Station –Possible future devt of a Victoria Ocean Observatory
VLVnT08 The Challenges Recruiting the research user community –University-based faculty and student researchers –Government agency scientists –Private sector R&D staff –NGO and other public sector users Recruiting and retaining HQP –Scientific leadership –Senior Management –Senior engineering and IT staff
VLVnT08 The Challenges Securing sustained and sufficient operating funding –Federal Govt program for major science platforms in Canada –Fee structures for user groups –Fee for service programs (Engineering, DMAS) Generating revenue to support research applications –Govt agency grants and contracts for policy-related initiatives –Private sector contracts for system access, instrument testing, etc –Private sector collaborations in IP devt (licence and royalty agreements) –Foundation and donor support for public good programs
VLVnT08 Ocean Networks Canada Mission –to govern and manage the NEPTUNE Canada and VENUS ocean-observatory initiatives to meet the highest standards of research excellence, societal contribution, and best operational and business practices Rationale –Scope, scale, longevity and risks of major science platform O&M
VLVnT08 Ocean Networks Canada Mandate –To support transformative oceans research –To provide evidence that informs high priority public policy issues –To create economic and commercial development opportunities –To promote public education and outreach initiatives –To apply and enhance best practices in the governance and mgt of major science programs –To foster the development of multi-sector international collaboration in oceans research
Oceans '08 Kobe Ocean Networks Canada Logic Model VLVnT08
Transformative S&T Outputs Inputs Outcomes
VLVnT08 ONC-Transformative S&T Inputs –NEPTUNE Canada and VENUS as world leading ocean observatories –International leadership advantage for at least three years –Capacity to support transformative science –World class science and technical leadership –Potential to attract top national and international researchers, PDFs and students –Capital costs fully funded ($100M) –Operating costs secured to ($18.9M) for NC/V
VLVnT08 ONC-Transformative S&T Inputs –S&T Partnerships Consortium of Canadian Universities CANARIE Federal and Provincial Depts and Agencies U.S. NSF/COL-OOI/UW-UCSD Other International –Japan - DONET –Taiwan - MACHO –EU - Ifremer/ESONet
VLVnT08 ONC – Transformative S&T Outputs –Provide Global desktop access to NC and V For instrument control For data access –Create “Our Ocean” Web-site for collaborative research –Develop web-based user manuals –Promote research opportunities through web-sites, conferences and workshops –Support a seminar series on ocean observing systems S&T (providing remote access) –Build national/intl interdisciplinary research teams for funding proposals –Recruit PDFs and graduate students internationally –Provide seed funds for proposal development –Establish awards for innovative research –Develop inter-university graduate courses in ocean observing systems –Communicate and celebrate research progress and achievements –Increase university faculty involvement in NC/V S&T
VLVnT08 ONC – Transformative S&T Outcomes (examples) –Doubling of research PIs by –Five-fold increase in number of intensive data users by –Yearly doubling in the active web-based analysts –Doubling of conference papers presented and journal articles published using NC/V data by –5 PDFs and 25 graduate students (at least 15 PhD) recruited to work on NC/V by –At least two new graduate courses in place by –Annual doubling in national level media coverage of NC/V S&T
Ocean Networks Canada Organizational Chart UVic Board of Governors ONC Board of Directors ONC President and CEO ONC Executive Council NEPTUNE Canada Project Director VENUS Project Director [ONC Business Development Officer] Executive Assistant to the ONC President and CEO NC Project TeamVENUS Project Team
VLVnT08 Ocean Networks Canada Board of Directors Board Composition –Chair –ONC President and CEO –University of Victoria (x2) –Partner universities (x2) –International Partners (x1) –Funding Agencies (x2) –Federal and Provincial Governments (x3) –Private Sector (x2) –NGOs (x1)
VLVnT08 Summary The excitement of NEPTUNE Canada and VENUS major science initiatives The opportunities for transformative S&T and important societal contributions The challenges to sustain, build and fund the operations The importance of governance and management structure and practices The invitation to international partners to participate in collaborative S&T
Oceans '08 Kobe △ observatory with sensors ・ 60 Seismometers ・ 20 Pressure gauges Ocean floor cable network system - MEXT/DONET project
VLVnT08 European ocean network: 11 sites
Antares extension – Possible cooperation ANTARES NETWORK SJB Antares (Node) Shore Station Michel Pacha Neptune JB Other Networks or Experiments DMAS (software) Antares users Other users (instruments1..n) Instrument 1 Instrument..n Possible cooperation Extension VLVnT08
Antares extension – Possible cooperation DMAS Software: Existing instrument drivers (Seismometers, ADCP, CTD, Video, hydrophone…) Event detection Export data formats (Matlab (data), NetCDF (data), MPEG4 (video), WAV (hydrophone)… Web portal for scientists (“MyLAB”) Neptune JB: Instrumentation interoperability between Antares extension and Neptune Inputs from Antares : SJB, 400VDC + Optical fiber Outputs: Compatible with any Serial or Ethernet instrument 15VDC, 24VDC, 48VDC, 400VDC, Optical Fiber, Serial (RS232/485…) Daisy chain to connect another Junction Box Off-the-shelf product Choice of connectors