The CARE Program (CARE)— is an offender reentry program utilizing best practices in the prisoner reentry field, including comprehensive case management, coordinated service delivery, and referrals. Coordinated resources: ▪ bring individual and program success to all invested participants; ▪ connects clients to need-based services, which address a host of issues; ▪ identifies and expanding the strengths of the participant as well as utilizing assets in the participant’s lives and in the community. The service delivery plan (CARE Plan) is specifically designed and managed for offender risk and needs, based upon evidenced- based screening and assessment tools. Gaps in existing services are identified and implemented to address those gaps. In this way, CARE provides a full complement of services ranging from assessment to intervention and support / maintenance.
Problem: Winona County Jail Staff and Human Services identified a pattern of repeat consumers Winona County Jail Costs on the rise There was consensus and acceptance for change through re-entry programming to reduce recidivism risk Result: CARE was developed by the JJA in and has been continuously operational since it first began serving clients in October of 2009.
During the initial development of CARE in 2009, data was collected on sentenced jail inmates. The inmates surveyed averaged a total of 11 arrests per inmate The data disclosed: ▪ 92% planned to remain in Winona County upon release ▪ Less than 1/3 were employed ▪ 85% reported that substance abuse issues were part of the reason for their incarceration ▪ 71% had reported having been previously prescribed a mental health drug ▪ 79% had no driver’s license ▪ 64% had at least once child, but that none of the children lived with the inmate ▪ More than half needed assistance in finding housing post-release.
CJCC formed workgroups Recidivism Release of Information Community Partners Policy & Procedure Extensive Research on emerging reentry programs Report of the Reentry Policy Council
Initial Screening Eligibility Requirements: Those individuals who are not residents, or not willing to voluntarily participate in the CARE Program will be deemed ineligible for CARE Program Case Management at the Initial Screening Form stage of the program. Applicants can be screened multiple times. However, anyone can receive individualized screening and referrals. Target Population Verification: Those individuals who meet initial eligibility requirements will be eligible to receive case management services as a CARE Client, applicants must meet the following criteria:
ORIGINAL ADMISSION CRITERIA Target Population: Must be a Winona County resident; Must be an offender convicted as an adult in criminal court; upon release from custody, plan to reside in Winona for a minimum of ninety (90) days; Must voluntarily participate in the program, including the signing of releases of information for program providers; Must be identified, via a validated assessment instrument, as having a risk of reoffending; Must not be a level 3 sex offender; Must not have been enrolled in the CARE Program within the last 90 days; and If a state prisoner, must be within thirty (30) days of release. CURRENT ADMISSION CRITERIA Target Population: Must be an adult who plans to reside in Winona County for a minimum of ninety (90) days post release; Must have served 15 days or more in jail for any level of conviction within 24 months prior to initial CARE contact Must voluntarily participate in the program including the signing of releases. Must be identified, via a validated assessment instrument, with a medium-high risk of re-offense If a state prisoner, is within thirty days of release; In addition, all Winona County Drug Court clients are eligible for CARE.
Goals of the Program: 1. To decrease the recidivism rate of offenders through comprehensive case management and the coordinated delivery of services; which will reduce costs associated with criminal case processing, re-arrest, and probation violations. 2. To promote public safety by reducing the threat of harm by released offenders to the community to which they return. 3. To increase the number of jail inmates who are screened for co-occurring disorders in order to detect and make referrals for necessary treatment. 4. To increase service referrals provided to jail inmates through interview, screening and needs assessment upon initial incarceration, even if the candidate does not require extensive reentry planning, providing immediate comprehensive assessments locally Benefits : Reduced dependency upon using the jail for consequences related to client instability, thereby reducing the overall average daily population, and the average length of stay in the jail. Introducing offenders to an ongoing process of recovery designed to achieve total abstinence from illicit/illegal drugs; and make this available in the local community. Promotion of self-sufficiency and empower offenders to become productive and responsible community members
CCommunity resources GGrant funding SScreenings and Referrals CCase Management ▪M▪Motivational Interviewing ▪B▪Budget & Time Management Plans ▪C▪Cognitive-Behavioral / Rational Therapy ▪C▪CARE Resources ▪B▪Bus Passes, Transitional Housing, Pro-Social Activities…
CARE Program Coordinator / Case Manager CARE Team : Multi-disciplinary team Supervisor
Identify as many community resources in your community. ▪ Make a list, check it twice!! Introduce yourself, do a site visit, keep your name, your brand [logo], your face; and therefore your program visible. ▪ How can your services work TOGETHER? ▪ Community Buy-in: ▪ This will influence your ability to be sustainable ▪ Add referrals and resources for your intended clientele.
Roles & Responsibilities of Team Members Solution: Get everyone to the table, use people and politely encourage each contributor to stay in his or her prospective lane. Data Management System MMany data systems to choose from, however none are a perfect hit per requirements of re-entry programs MMany data systems will not allow “talking” to other systems Duplication & Error Robust Data Information System = Robust costs Solution: A State funded Standardized, mildly customizable data management system, used by grantees Communication With transient client population (Data Collection and general follow through) With stakeholders and other service providers RRelationship with Consumers (Clients, Referrals, Candidates) Solution: Accountability, Begging, Communicate as best (practices) you can
If you would like more information about the Winona County CARE Program, please contact: Latrisha Denise Green