Anaplastic thyroid cancer R1 박민아 / 이상열교수님
Chief Complain neck mass o/s) 1 주일 전 Present Illness 62 세 여자환자 dyslipidemia 로 본원 IN(pf. 이태원 ) 외래 방문하며 po medication 하던 자로 내원 일주일 전 목에 mass 가 만져져 local ENT 방 문하였으나 갑상선 문제인 것 같다는 이야기 듣고 큰병원 권유받아 본원 내분비내과 외래 방문하였음 양 O 순 (F/62) 외래방문일 :
Past Medical History DM/ HTN/ hepatitis/ Tbc (-/-/-/-) Dyslipidemia : 월 진단 후 약제복용시작 (atorvastatin 10mg 1T qd) Op Hx(-) Personal History Smoking (-) Alcohol (-) Family History (-)
Review of System GeneralFever (-) Chills (-) Weakness (-) Weight change(-) SkinRash (-) Itching (-) Pigmentation (-) sweating(-) HEENT Headache (-) Visual disturbance (-) Rhinorrhea (-) Sore throat (-) Hoarseness (-) RespiratoryCough (-) Sputum (-) Dyspnea (-) Hemoptysis (-) Cardiac Chest pain (-) Palpitation (-) Syncope (-) GI A/N/V/D/C (-/-/-/-) Abdominal pain (-) Hematochezia (-) Melena (-) Hematemesis(-) GU Oliguria (-) Hematuria (-) Discharge(-)
Physical examination Vital sign120/70mmHg - 72/min - 18/min °C General Alert mentality Not so - ill looking appearance HEENTCervical LN enlargement (-) Thyroid nodule / goiter (+/+) ThoraxSymmetrical chest expansion Clear breathing sound s rale Regular heart beat s murmur AbdomenSoft & flat abdomen Normoactive bowel sound Rt.thyroid enlargement - Size : 1-2cm - Margin : regular - Consistancy : soft - Movable : movable - Tenderness/pain (-/-)
Initial lab finding CBC/DC 8,400/mm² g/dl – 41.2% - 297K (Seg. 72.9%) Chemistry Prot/Alb8.1/4.7 g/dLBUN/Cr 14/0.6 mg/dL TB/DB 0.75/0.22 mg/dLNa/K/Cl 137/4.1/99mEq/L AST/ALT22/16 IU/LCa/P/Mg 9.4/3.4/2.2 ALP/γGT102/18 IU/Lhs-CRP 3.38 mg/L Glucose98 mg/dL Total –chol 166 mg/dL TG 115 mg/dL HDL-chol 56 mg/dL LDL-chol 88 mg/dL U/A Occult blood - Protein –Glucose -Keton - RBC 0-4/HFPWBC 0-1/HPF
Chest x-ray 7
Problem list #1. Neck mass #2. Lung mass RLLF #3. Dyslipidemia
Assessment and plan #1. Thyroid nodule (benign/malignancy) TFT, thyroid US & FNA, 필요시 Neck CT #2. Lung mass RLLF Chest CT, 필요시 mass 에 대해서 PCNA 고려 #3. Dyslipidemia self medication 유지 및 lipid profile f/u
Clinical coarse ( 외래 ) Thyroid FNA : anaplastic ca. 9.5 Neck CT 9.9 PET-CT regional LN, both iliac bone meta known malignant mass at Rt.thyroid 9.4 Chest CT necrotizing pneumonia r/o lung metastasis
Thyroid sono Rt. thyroid 2.82 x 1.93 x 3.88 cm sized ill defined hypoechoic nodule FNA 시행
Thyroid sono Lt. thyroid x x 1.40 cm sized well defined cystic nodule x x cm sized spongyform nodule
Thyroid FNA ( )
Present case Benign follicular nodule
Pathologic Finding Increased cellularity, necrotic and scanty colloid background Irregular sheets of hyperchromatic and pleomorphic cells showing multiple prominent nucleoli Increased mitotic figures anaplastic malignant tumor 의 소견 Differential diagnosis 1) anaplastic (undifferentiated) carcinoma 2) medullary carcinoma 3) poorly differentiated(insular) thyroid carcinoma (less likely) 4) metastasis from other site
Additional lab Thyroid function test T3 163 ng/dL FT ng/dL TSH 0.03 μU/mL TG ng/mL TG-Ab 49.1 U/ml PTH 20.9 pg/ml Calcitonin <2.0 pg/ml
Neck CT ( )
PET-CT ( )
Chest CT ( )
Clinical coarse ( 입원 ) 9.13 s/p total thyroidectomy Pathologic staging : pT3N1
Total thyroidectomy
Total thyroidectomy ( ) 조직 Gross 사진
Clinical coarse ( 입원 ) 9.13 s/p total thyroidectomy Pathologic staging : pT3N PCNA 시행 Anaplastic ca., metastatic
PCNA ( ) 조직
Clinical coarse ( 입원 ) 9.13 s/p total thyroidectomy Pathologic staging : pT3N PCNA 시행 Anaplastic ca., metastatic 9.23 craniectomy and hematoma Evacuation d/t Br-hrr Anaplastic ca., metastatic mental drowsy Br-CT 촬영 후 응급수술진행
수술 전 Brain CT 1. Subcortical hrr at frontal lobe Lt., SDH, IVH (at all ventricle) 2. Midline shifting 1cm to contralateral side (subfalcian herniation) 3. Irregular hematoma shape and perilesional edema suspicious secondary hemorrhage (especially tumor) Enhanced CT 시행함.
수술 전 3D-angio-enhanced-CT 1. Abnormal vascular markings around hematoma, cortical area (arrows) 2. Imp) Subcortical hrr w/ IVH, SDH
Intraoperative finding 1. Craniectomy 후 dura 를 curvilinear incision 을 하여 retraction 을 함. 2. Scanty 한 SDH 가 있었으나 irrigation 으로 쉽게 제거할 수 있었음. 3. SDH 는 subcortical hrr 에서 origin 한 것으로 보였음. ( 사진에 검은 부분 ) 4. Frontal base (Forceps 방향 ) 쪽에 yellowish mass 가 cortex 밖으로 노출된 것이 관찰되었음. ( 사진 ) 5. Mass 는 비교적 쉽게 박리가 되었음. metastatic brain tumor 를 시사하였음. 6. Hematoma 와 mass 를 제거한 뒤에 lesion 주위로 gliotic tissue 가 싸고 있는 것을 관찰할 수 있었음. 7. Frontal horn of lateral ventricle 까지 hematoma 와 mass 를 제거한 뒤 EVD catheter 를 삽입함. 8. 수술 필드 상에서 brain 이 충분히 sunken 되어 decompression 이 된 것으로 판단하고 bone flap 을 덮고 수술을 마침. ( 수술명 : craniotomy and hematoma & mass removal)
Op field 의 위치 관계 aaa
수술 후 f/u CT 1. 수술 후 hematoma 와 mass 는 잘 제거된 상태임. 2. mass effect 감소로 인하여 herniation 은 풀린 상태임. 3. EVD 는 Foramen of Monro-3rd ventricle 에 위치하고 있음.
수술 2 일 뒤 MR 1. Hematoma 와 동반되었던 mass 는 남김없이 제거되었음. 2. 다른 부위에 추가적인 mass 는 관찰되지 않았음.
Pathology ( )
Clinical coarse ( 입원 ) 9.17 PCNA 시행 Anaplastic ca., metastatic 9.23 craniectomy and hematoma Evacuation d/t Br-hrr Anaplastic ca., metastatic mental drowsy Br-CT 촬영 후 응급수술진행 10.8 LFT 상승 Hb 감소 Abd pain 호소 Abdomen CT
Abdomen CT ( )
Final Diagnosis Anaplastic thyroid cancer, Rt with lung, brain, liver, both kidney, both iliac bone metastasis (stage IVc)