Introduction to Arduino A very basic intro to Arduino, the IDE and the Servos class
The Arduino Board
Pins 0-13 can be used for input or output 3 Ground Ports 1 5V Port 1 3.3V Port Some ports support PWM (Pulse Wave Modulation): Ports 3,5,6,10,11 Ports 0/1 are RX (Receiving), and TX (Sending) – Typically used for Bluetooth Modules/Shields
The IDE IDE stands for “Integrated Development Environment” – This helps us rapidly develop and deploy programs to our Arduino Arduino provides a Windows Install File to help us install the IDE and the necessary drivers for communicating with our Arduino
The previous slide shows the basic layout when you open the Arduino IDE Typically, Arduino is coded in C++ -- the compiler/assembler will do the rest Two methods: setup() and loop() – you may add your own classes for inclusion as well as writing your own methods to be called Setup() is only called once and is typically used to setup ports on your Arduino among other things Loop() is where you put code that you want run until you turn off your Arduino
As you can see, the IDE is fairly powerful and complete. However, for this tutorial, we are only going to be concerning ourselves with “File” and “Sketch”
Basics of Arduino Programming Pretty much the same as any other Programming Languages. Sample Code to turn LEDs on and off on the next page
Sample Code Int LED0 = 2; int delay_time = 100; void setup() { pinMode(LED0, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(LED0,HIGH); delay(delay_time); digitalWrite(LED0,LOW); }
Sample Code Breakdown We declare and initialize a variable “LED0” with our Port number (In this instance, it is 2 but if you had your cable plugged into 13, it would be 13) We declare and initialize a variable “delay_time.” This sets the time between turning the LED on/off. Setup() is called and we use pinMode to set LED0 as an Output port on the Arduino. Ports are bi- directional. They can be used as Input or Output.
Sample Code Breakdown After setup() has finished running, the Arduino then calls loop() In the loop, we have 2 items: digitalWrite and delay digitalWrite(LED0,HIGH) turns the LED on digitalWrite(LED0,LOW) turns the LED off Delay(delay_time) sets how long it is waiting before the next instruction is run on the Arduino.
Servos Let’s switch to something a little bit more advanced than LEDs. Arduino provides a class to power and control Servo motors o See: All you do is put #include before anything else and off you go. My example will be slightly different
Servo Code #include ContinuousRotationServo Servo; ContinuousRotationServo ServoTwo; int timer = 3; void setup() { Servo.begin(13); Servo.begin(12); } void loop() { Servo.rotateLeft(100); ServoTwo.rotateRight(100); delay(timer); }
Servos Code Breakdown We create objects of our ContinuousRotationServo class. In setup, it is effectively doing the same thing as what we were doing earlier in our LED example. In loop, we are having the Arduino move one Servo left and one Servo right. In this specific case, the Servos are attached to a Parallax Bo-Bot body with the Arduino and breadboard sitting on top so it is moving in a straight line.
Questions? Comments? If you have any questions or comments, please register on my website and post on a comment on the Arduino page located on the Computer Science portion of my website. PPT Last Updated on: 12/26/2013