Laserfiche Plus AA103 Eric Hu, Software QA Engineer Raymond Cruz, Software Support Engineer
Table of Contents -Design Considerations for Plus -The Publishing Methods -The Publishing Process -Making it Portable -What’s New in Plus 8 -Security and Metadata -Troubleshooting -Calling Support
Design Considerations for Plus What is Plus? Why was it made?
Design Considerations for Plus What is Plus? - The distribution module for Laserfiche Laserfiche Distribution Methods - - Export But… - Metadata is not retained
Design Considerations for Plus Why is metadata so important? - Allows you to categorize your information - Makes searching for your information simpler and faster - Fundamental and integral part of Laserfiche
Design Considerations for Plus So back to Plus… -Information without metadata can be considered data loss -So, Plus should retain metadata
Design Considerations for Plus Design Goals -Distribute large amounts of documents easily while retaining metadata Solution? - Briefcases!
Design Considerations for Plus However… - Briefcases don’t mean anything to non-Laserfiche users Solution? -Make them into Laserfiche users! -Plus also includes Laserfiche Added Bonus - By providing Laserfiche, we also provide built-in search capabilities
Publishing Methods What can you publish?
Publishing Methods What can you publish? - Folders - Volumes - Search Results
Publish by Folder Why use it? - Distribution of information - Convenient if the folder structure in your repository is already organized
Publish by Folder What should I know about publishing by folder? - Volume associations are not preserved i.e. there is only one volume in the published repository
Publish by Volume Why use it? - Easy way to make backup or archival volumes - The backups will also be viewable!
Publish by Volume What should I know about publishing by volume? - Ideal when used in conjunction with rollover volumes - Volume associations are preserved
Publishing Search Results Why use it? - Flexibility in publishing - If the documents are not conveniently organized by folder or volume already
Publishing Search Results What should I know about publishing search results? - Introduced with Plus You can choose whether or not to ‘Preserve tree structure’ - Volume associations are not preserved
The Publishing Process How does it work?
Repository Requirements We’ve determined that Plus will use: - Briefcases - Laserfiche Ultimate goal: A published Laserfiche repository that is: - Self-contained on a CD or DVD - Viewable by anyone and everyone - Retain metadata - Searchable - Portable
Publishing Overview Plus Publishing involves: -Multiple repositories -Briefcases -Specialized instance of MSDE -External Viewer Client
Step 1: User Launch - Decide which publishing method to use - Launch Plus from within Client - Specify a temporary publishing location - Choose a name for the to-be-published repository - Hit ‘Publish’
Step 2: Briefcase Export - Plus shares the Client’s connection to the Server - And requests a briefcase export from the source repository
Step 3: Briefcase Transit - Briefcase gets exported to the temporary publishing location - After the transfer is completed, Plus disconnects from the source repository
Step 4: New Repository - Plus creates a new standalone repository using the MSSQL$LFPLUS MSDE instance - Plus launches the standalone engine and uses it to connect to the new repository
Step 5: Briefcase Import - The briefcase is imported into the new repository - The entire contents of the new repository are indexed
Step 6: Make Portable - Plus disconnects from the new repository, detaches the SQL database, and stops the standalone engine - The SQL instance and the Viewer files are copied to the temporary publishing location - The temporary briefcase is deleted
Publishing Overview - Plus isn’t doing anything we don’t already do with Laserfiche
Making it Portable What’s on the Published CD?
Repository Requirements What’s required for a repository? - The database - The volume - The search and index files What’s required for the database? - A backend (DBMS) to handle the metadata We need Laserfiche as the backbone
The Published CD What’s actually on it? - The published repository - The Plus Viewer Client - The Viewer Runtime installation - Specialized SQL instance (MSSQL$LFPLUS)
Plus Viewer/Viewer Runtime Plus Viewer - Essentially a read-only Executive (or Standalone) Client - what’s usually in C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Client Viewer Runtime package - Installs common files that are need to run the Viewer - what’s usually in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Laserfiche
Specialized DBMS -The database needs to be attached every time the published repository is viewed - The ‘attach’ command requires administrator rights
Plus 8 Plus 7 - Viewer Runtime and MSDE are installed on viewer machines Plus 8 - MSDE no longer used; SQLite instead - Zero-touch: Everything is run off of the published CD
Security and Metadata
Security Plus creates briefcases Briefcase export is a normal Server operation Basic user requirements: –Export access right –Browse and Read entry access rights –Read volume access right –Read field access right for all fields Security Tags –Only users with security tags can publish
Redactions and Annotations Redactions are burned into the image if “exported as secure” Text and Image Annotations are included
Links and Version Information Document Links –If both ends of the link are included, the link will be included as well Document Version Information –Document version number always retained
Published Repository Security Only include documents you want other people to be able to see! Repositories published to CDs/DVDs can be run and viewed by anyone Bypass the LF repository and view images directly in the volumes
Volume Portability Useful for making quick backups Can attach a published Plus repository volume to another LF repository All volume information is retained, unlike exporting as a Briefcase
Troubleshooting Plus 7
Installation 15 day demo period Install Plus as many times as you have licenses Network cards are required Activation and registration are linked to the MAC (physical address) Activate using: –Internet activation –Offline activation
Licensing Licensing is per install If you only have one, uninstall first Uninstall deactivates the current install and lets you reuse the license Do not forget to activate
Plus Architecture Overview Overall process involves: –Multiple repositories –Source server –Standalone repository –Specialized instance of MSDE –External viewer
Common Issues Plus does not start MSDE problems Missing files Plus hangs
Common Issues: Plus fails to start Check the Windows Task Manager –Plus.exe must be stopped –Only one LF client per workstation at a time Is MSSQL$LFPlus service present and running? Check the antivirus programs
Common Issues: MSDE and Plus Local administrator on the workstation on install Specific instance called MSSQL$LFPlus Exported Plus CD has own instance of MSSQL$LFPLus Installed automatically when you put the Plus CD in the computer
Common Issues: Missing Files Plus shares the client connection to the server and requests a briefcase export from the source repository –User must have Export rights Access rights to the files, folders, and documents –Removable volumes must be present when publishing
Common Issues: Plus Hangs Publishing can be a lengthy process –Can easily take a few hours Progress bar seems stuck –Check the Windows Task Manager. If it’s still running, wait –Multi-GB or large numbers of subfolders that are close to the limit can take time
Common Issues: Fails Briefcases get exported to the temporary publishing location LF Server uses Windows temp folder Creates the briefcase then moves it user’s temp folder Windows temp folder location must have space Rule of thumb: free space of 3 x publishing size
Common Issues: Fails Uses MSSQL$LFPLUS MSDE instance Plus launches the standalone engine and uses it to connect to the new repository
Common Issues: Portable Media Publish directly to writeable media The media must be formatted –CD/DVD drive must be configured for DLA –Burning software must also support DLA Publish to a temp directory on the workstation first, then transfer to media
Common Issues: Published CD Workstation cannot read a published CD/DVD –Check the contents. Does it contain all the files? If not, republish –CD requires MSSQL$LFPlus to install
Common Solutions Can you create a briefcase? Publish to an empty temp folder Use simple names for both temp folders and Plus published names Check the space on the server You can only publish documents you have rights to
Debug Key Plus does not normally keep logs Add a "Debug" string with a value of "1" to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Laserfiche\Client\Profile\CDPublisher.
The end
Chapter Divider Additional Info if needed
Titled - Blank Sheet Example - example Example - example
Titled - Image - Text Example (Type needed info here)
Titled - Text - Image Example (Type needed info here)
Titled - 1 Large Image
Titled - 2 Images - 2 Texts Example 1 (Type needed info here) Example 2 (Type needed info here)
Titled - Organization Chart Example (Type needed info here)
Titled - Graph Chart Example (Type needed info here)
Titled -Table Example (Type needed info here)
Double Titled - Blank Sheet Example - example Example - example
Double Titled - Image - Text Example (Type needed info here)
Double Titled - Text - Image Example (Type needed info here)
Double Titled - 1 Large Image
Double Titled - 2 Images - 2 Texts Example 1 (Type needed info here) Example 2 (Type needed info here)
Double Titled - Organization Chart Example (Type needed info here)
Double Titled - Graph Chart Example (Type needed info here)
Double Titled -Table Example (Type needed info here)
No Title Bar- Blank Sheet Example: ( Type needed info here)
No Title - Image - Text (Type needed info here)
No Title - Text - Image (Type needed info here)
No Title - 1 Large Image (Type needed info here)
No Title - 2 Images - 2 Texts (Type needed info here) Example 1 (Type needed info here) Example 2 (Type needed info here)
No Title - Organization Chart (Type needed info here)
No Title - Graph Chart (Type needed info here)
No Title - Table (Type needed info here)