For Datatel and other applications Presented by Cheryl Sullivan
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This example is based on a GLSA budget report Tip 1- at a Datatel entry screen, if you are trying to find multiple yet similar items use…”
This brings back all of the similar items. If you want them all. Click the Select All Button
Tip 2 When your output devices is H for “Hold/Browse File Output” (best practice) and you think you may want to see the report again. Put a file name in the Banner (format for the file should be your 3 initials.filename)
To get back to a file with a saved Banner, go to UTFB. For Directory File Name type: Hold (it will automatically put in “_HOLD_” For Item Names, type the file name in CAPS
Once the report browser is up, you will select the export button and save your file wherever you choose.
Open Excel, change the type of file to “All Files”, then find your file, and open it.
The “Text Import Wizard” will automatically come up. For this kind of import we will use “Fixed width,” and click “Next”
When picking where to put your column breaks should go, scroll down so that you see the column headers. To add and remove lines as needed by clicking and double clicking. Always try to put the lines at the beginning of the headers. In this example I added some between the GL numbers.
Step 3 of the wizard lets you change the type of formatting for the columns. If you have student ID’s and want to keep the leading zeros, change that column to text. Then click “Finish”
Run Datatel report to “H- Hold” and name your Banner Export the report to the desktop Open Excel and import file Put lines where wanted for column breaks Finish the import Practice pulling your report back up from UTFB Leave Excel up for the next assignment
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First “Select All” in Excel, by clicking the most upper left square between the A column and row 1. Then double click between the Column heading A and B (or any other two columns); make sure the cursor image looks like this: ; this will auto size the column widths to the longest entry.
To make the information easy to sort through, first add a column before A. Number the column down using consecutive numbering. To use auto numbering by dragging, you must first list the numbers 1,2,3; select all three numbers; and then drag down by the bottom right corner
(cont.) To auto number you could also use the formula A1+1 in cell A2 and drag this down. Occasionally the dragging of numbers doesn’t work and this can be helpful. If you use this method make sure when you are done with the step above, to Copy Column A and right click and Paste Special… and select “Values”. This copies the formulas and only pastes back the number. This will allow you to sort and easily put the numbers back.
To begin the filtering, first click on the row that contains the row headers that you would like to filter on. Next: 2007—Go to the Data Tab and click on the filter button. 2003—Go to the Data Menu, click on Filter, then AutoFilter Now you can look at only the data any way you want. In this example I selected only the object code 94490
In this example there are a list of student IDs and when you hit the down arrow button, the menu to the right opens. Select All is the default. To unselect one, simply uncheck it. To only select one or a few, check Select All (which unselects them all) and then select only the ones you want.
When using filtering the most powerful formula to use is =Subtotal(“number from below”, “beginning of range”: “end of range”). Ex: =Subtotal(9,A1:A342) Formula Values: This formula will only calculate the numbers that are showing in the selection 4 = Max 5 = Min 9 = Sum 1 = Average 2 = Count 3 = CountA
Final Filtering Tips Put the subtotal above the filter range so that it does not get included in the filter and disappear. By having numbered Column A, you can now resort your data by various columns so that you can easily delete all of the titles etc. that you may not want. After you delete them, you can always put the report back to the original by sorting on Column A.
Auto Resize the Excel columns from previous exercise Add a new Column “A” and number the rows in the column consecutively Apply the AutoFilter Put in the subtotal formula at the top of the numerical fields: =subtotal(9,range) Filter on any variable you choose
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Tired of running a report and Datatel logging off while you are at lunch? You will run your report as normal, but on the final page for Output Devise Select E Put in your subject and type in your and save out as usual
Now you have a report, but in an unusable format In Outlook In the body of the , copy all of the report by holding CTRL+A to select all, then copy and paste to Excel
In Excel In Excel make sure to select only Column A. Then begin the Text To Columns 2007-On the Data Tab click the Text-to Columns button 2003—Click on the Data Menu and click “Text to Columns”
You use the Covert Text to Columns exactly as you did in the previous example. The benefit of “Text To Columns” is that you can select only certain ranges to change to columns. This allows you to keep the header at the top of the Datatel report in tack. To do this you do not select all of Column A, but only the rows you want to put into individual cells.
Final tip on Text-To-Columns If you are using this feature to break-up first and last names, make sure you have plenty of open columns to the right for the information to go into. You may need to insert extra columns. This process will over write any previous information that may have been in the field. If you move this information into the last empty column you will not have to worry about this.
Log in to Datatel and run any report Send it to your Open your Select all of the text in the body of the (CTRL+A) Paste into Excel Highlight areas in Column A to break into columns. Do not include the header. Complete the “Text To Columns” using Fixed Width
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When you import a file with a negative number it can be difficult sometimes to convert them to a number format. If the number is in the format of “12.00-” and excel needs “-12.00”, use the following steps Sort your numbers by the amount column you want to change. Put a blank row before and after your numbers (so you don’t change the wrong ones.)
(Cont.) Delete the “–” from your selected cells, using Search and Replace. Search for “-” and Replace with nothing Type -1 in a blank cell Click on the -1 and copy Highlight the selected cells again, click paste special, and select “Multiply”
Why use pivot tables—if you have a lot of information that you need summarized, Pivot Tables are critical The rest of the presentation will be in Excel All of the information is similar for Pivot Tables in 2003 are located on the Data menu In the following example, we will use a Simple Query to pull information. For selected records we will count the number of students in a zip code
Get Data From a query: Type as shown. Then press Okay out of every screen.
All Pivot Tables must be in a range without a break (you can fake it with a numbered column out front like we did on the data sort). The area containing the details must have a header at the top Okay Not
In this example the data contains zip codes with extra sub-sets. We will use our knowledge to move that to the next row. Instead of using Fixed Width with use Delimited and use “-” Make sure to add an extra header
On the Insert Tab in 2007, select the Pivot Table button (located on the far left) This will activate the wizard On this first step make sure that the range is correct for the data you are trying to capture
Drag the items you want in the Row Labels, and then drag values you want summed or counted into the values area. In this case I wanted zip for both.
In this example I added many more data elements to the Row Labels
Another example of formatting, to make the row labels go out horizontally rather than vertically, you must change the Report Layout to “Show in Tabular Forms”
Run Query Builder Verb=LIST; Output= XNCOA.STU.CITY XNCOA.STU.ZIP; Before = GET.LIST CS.LIST; change PC settings and advanced settings. (see slide 5-2; hit okay out of all screens “Text To Column” the Zip fields Select All Data in the Range On the Insert Tab hit “Pivot Table” Select your data Click on Zip and select Students Change the Report view to “Show in Tabular Format” on the Design Tab
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Question? What would you like to see at next months training? If you have any positive or negative evaluation points, please explain so that we can make improvements. Thank you!