Youth CareerConnect (YCC) Participant Tracking System (PTS) Orientation and Training: Module #4—User-Defined Fields and Data Export Presented by: Evan Rosenberg, U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Alicia Leonard, Mathematica Policy Research June 15, 2015
2 Training Agenda Please use the questions panel in the webinar to ask questions throughout the presentation TopicPresenter IntroductionEvan Rosenberg (DOL) User-defined fieldsAlicia Leonard (Mathematica) User-defined fields Q&AAlicia Data export generationAlicia Examples of manipulation and analysis of exported dataAlicia Data export grantee user groupEvan Data export Q&AAlicia and Evan Contact information and FAQsAlicia
3 Introduction
4 Importance of Performance and Reporting System To provide program operators and frontline staff with information for decision making and continuous improvement To provide the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) with information to ensure program accountability, assist in identifying technical assistance (TA) needs, and aid evaluation To demonstrate program success to stakeholders (for example, community, Congress)
5 Iterative Rollout of PTS PTS is rolled out in a series of modules over the next several months First module included data entry and search functions Second module included participant service receipt information, outcomes tracking, and grantee-level data tracking Third module included quarterly performance reporting and post-exit outcomes tracking Current (fourth) module: –User-defined fields –Data export feature Schedule for additional modules: –Random assignment system (summer/fall 2015) –Potential for additional modules based on grantee needs
6 Supporting Document Locations Visit the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Grantee Youth CareerConnect Site to access:Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Grantee Youth CareerConnect Site –Youth CareerConnect PTS: Manual for Participant Enrollment, Service Receipt and Outcomes Tracking, and Grantee-Level Data Entry –PTS data elements and definitions –Recordings of PTS training sessions Click on the Manual link on the top right corner of the PTS banner
7 Data Confidentiality Reminder The PTS will capture data that could be considered personally identifiable information, or PII Some data might not be PII on its own, but when combined with other information it becomes PII (for example, name and date of birth) Some tips for safeguarding PII: –Never PII (including screenshots of the PTS)! Use the YCC ID (generated by the PTS) if ing about a participant –Keep hard-copy materials with PII in locked storage –Do not allow unauthorized people to view your computer monitor Contact if you are unsure whether data are considered Mathematica adheres to DOL’s data security policies and procedures. Additional information is available in the training manual.
8 User-Defined Fields
9 Creating User-Defined Fields Grantees wanted ability to track site-specific data elements Grantee-level users can create an unlimited number of user- defined fields through the “Grantee” link in the main menu Fields are editable, but cannot be deleted Once created, fields are tracked at the participant level
10 Entering Participant Data in User-Defined Fields User-defined fields appear in a new tab on participant records Fields will display for all schools within a grantee Fields display in alpha order These are open text fields; grantee staff must ensure that data is entered using a consistent format across all participants
11 Questions?
12 Data Export
13 Data Export Available to grantee-level users via the “Reports” link in the main menu Export of all participant and grantee data in the PTS Can be used to perform additional analysis on PTS data
14 Data Export Format Export can be generated for entire grantee or a single school Export is output in Microsoft Excel format –Workbook with 18 tabs corresponding to PTS screens Some tab labels use abbreviations –STO: Short-Term Outcomes –PEO: Post-Exit Outcomes Structure of tabs vary based on related PTS screen –Single row per participant –Multiple rows per participant
15 Data Export Format Some variables are repeated across tabs Most date fields are represented by variables showing both the actual date and the appropriate calendar quarter “Mark all that apply” fields will display all values in a single cell –For example: Race, disability category, type of professional development activity Outline of variables included in the export can be found in Appendix D of your training manual
16 Generating the Data Export Select Data Export from “Reports Listing” screen Automatically opens report for entire grantee –Can specify single school and select “View Report” Click the disc image ( ) and select Excel from the menu Open or save file to your local drive
17 Examples of Analyses Using Exported Data (Demo)
18 Grantee User Group on the PTS? DOL is considering setting up a PTS user group among grantees This would allow grantees to share tips about using the PTS Grantees could discuss how to use the data export to: –Explore patterns appearing in the QPR –Examine variation across schools within a grantee –Identify youth in need of specific services or supports –Assist with on-going program management If you are interested in participating in such a user group, please send an to DOL at
19 Questions?
20 Contact Information Questions related to the definitions of data elements recorded in the PTS, reporting requirements, and policy or programmatic issues should be directed to DOL: Questions related to technical issues logging into or operating the PTS or FileXchange site should be directed to Mathematica’s YCC PTS technical support team: –Remember to never send PII via (including in screenshots from the PTS)! Use the YCC ID to identify records.
21 FAQs and Troubleshooting Who do I contact for assistance in exporting and analyzing the data export from the PTS? –If you have questions about running the data export for your grantee, you should contact Mathematica –If you have questions about how to use the data export to monitor or analyze your site’s data, contact DOL and express interest in joining a PTS user
22 Questions?