Introduction to the FIRE SERVICE Jim Friend, ENP (905)
Introduction to the Fire Service Topics: Early Fire Service History Early Fire Dispatch History Fire Service Organizational Structure Anatomy of Fires In this module we will discuss the history and organizational structure of the Fire Service, as well as provide a brief overview of the fire service’s number one foe – FIRE!
Early Fire Service History Earliest recorded organized fire control was in the Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus Caesar (6 A.D.) The Great Fire of London (1666) consumed about 5 square km leaving thousands homeless. First fire brigades organized by insurance companies. Earliest Canadian Fire Service in Halifax, Nova Scotia (1749)
Early History cont’d… London, Ontario organized a Volunteer department two years after being incorporated as a village (1842). Became a paid department in Toronto started a paid department (1874). Hamilton established a Fire Department (1879).
Halifax Explosion December 6, 1917 Deadliest fire in Canadian History The Story: First Hand Account:
Early Fire Dispatch History Earliest use of radios was back in the 1930’s by Police Forces using AM radio broadcasts for “Calling All Cars” messages. Only one way transmissions. First two-way radio transmissions by law enforcement in 1960’s, soon followed by Fire and EMS.
Emergency Number History 1937 at the start of World War 2, Great Britain adopted the emergency number “999”. In 1959, Winnipeg, Manitoba was first city in North America to use a three-digit emergency number (999). Same number used in the UK. The United States adopted as their emergency number in In 1974, London, Ontario was the first Canadian city to adopt
Communications Technology Advances Enhanced Features - Forced hold - Forced Ring-back (on / off hook) - ANI / ALI - cellular coordinate data - Text-with-911 (T-911) Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Mobile Data Terminals (MDT)
Fire Service Organizational Structure Administration Operations / Suppression Fire Prevention Communications Training Maintenance
Anatomy of Fire Fire Tetrahedron Fire requires four elements to be sustained Heat, Oxygen, Fuel, Chain Reaction Remove any of the four and the fire ceases
Classification of Fires Class A - wood, paper, cloth Class B - flammable gases and liquids Class C - electrical fires Class D – flammable metals Class K – vegetable/animal oils/fats
Fire Extingushers Most effective way of extinguishing small fires. Commonly found in commercial, industrial areas. Always carried on Fire Department vehicles Fire extinguishers are rated using the same classification system to rate fires. Most common type is the “ABC” rated extinguisher.
Firefighting Small fires rapidly become too large to be dosed by a small fire extinguisher. Common building materials affect the rate of fire expansion. Within a few minutes a fire can ignite and consume an average sized home. As a Fire Communicator, this is a critical factor to keep in mind. Minutes save lives and property.
Firefighting Tactics Two modes of firefighting - Defensive - Offensive Ventilation operations Backdraft
Summary Fire Service is a complex component of public safety which is rich in history and tradition. Fire Service exists to protect lives, property and the environment. Fire Communicators are a critical component of this important mission. Effective and efficient action by a Fire Communicator assists in saving lives and property. Overall knowledge of the Fire Service aids Communicators in being more effective.