Lab Safety
Lab Safety Equipment Learn the location and proper use of: Eyewash fountain Safety shower Fire extinguisher Fire alarm box Evacuation routes Clean-up brush and dust pan Broken glass container
Be Ready for Lab! Before you enter the lab: Always read the lab instructions. Ask questions about the lab procedures, materials, and expectations. Be prepared to do your part as a member of your lab team.
Dressing for Lab Labs that involve the use of glassware, chemicals and heat will require that you: Wear Goggles. Wear closed-toed shoes. Wear long hair pulled back. Leave dangling necklaces and earrings in you backpack.
Physical Safety Leave your purse, backpack or books at your desk- do not bring them to lab. Handle equipment carefully. Do not place cords or materials where someone can trip over them. Push all stools in- out of the way. Keep your lab area neat.
Chemical Safety Consider all chemicals dangerous Never touch, taste or smell a chemical unless instructed by the teacher. Keep lids on chemical containers when not in use.
Chemical Safety Never mix chemicals unless instructed to do so. When diluting acid, pour acid into water.
Heating Safety Never point the end of a test-tube at yourself or others. Never heat in a closed container. Never leave a heat source unattended.
Heating Safety Always use tongs and gloves when heating and handling heated glass or metal. Do not place hot glassware directly on a lab table or in cold water.
Electrical Safety Only electric plugs are to be placed into an electrical outlet Unplug electrical equipment after use.
Electrical Safety Keep all electrical cords, wires, and appliances away form water. Make sure electrical cords are tucked away, neat and tidy.
Sharp Objects Always cut away from your fingers and body. Always carry sharp objects with points and tips down and away from others. Never try to catch a falling sharp object. Hold sharp instruments only by the handle.
Treatment of Specimens Respect the life of all laboratory specimens. They gave their life for your education.
In Case of Emergency If you get any chemical in your eye, immediately was the eye with eyewash fountain and notify teacher. If you burn yourself, plunge burned area into water and notify teacher.
In Case of Emergency If glassware or chemicals are spilled on the floor, guard the area, notify the teacher and clean up as directed. Never pick up broken glass with your fingers.
Thou Shalt Not!! Enter the storeroom unless given permission. Touch any equipment, chemicals, or other material until instructed to do so. Eat, drink or chew gum in the lab. Engage in any practical jokes: Horseplay Rough house Running
Remember to: Stay at your work/lab station. Maintain a clean work area. Read and follow all directions. Report any spills, accidents or injury to the teacher. Clean and put away all equipment before you leave the lab. Dispose of waste products according to instruction. Deposit all broken glass and sharp objects into the “Broken Glass” container.
Safety Counts so Do It Right!