Tomato and Pepper Production in Japan Asian Solanaceous Round Table Country Report - Japan September 2014 Yutaka Fukunaga Takii & Co., Ltd.
2 Japan’s Climatic Conditions Annual Average Temperature Type of Climate less or higher Sea of Japan Zone Pacific Coast Zone Inland Sea Zone Hokkaido Zone Highland Zone Ryukyu Zone Climatic Zones
3 Trend of Fruit Vegetable Production ( E-Stat) ( ha)
4 Tomato and Peppers; Planted Areas and Seed Requirements (M = 1,000 seeds) Tomato Planted areas: 12,100 ha. Seed Requirement: 25M ~ 30M/ha. Peppers Planted Areas: 3,360 ha. Seed Requirement: 15M ~ 20M/ha.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑩ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑯ ⑮ ⑱ ⑰ 500 ~ 300 ~ ~ 300 ~ 230 Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Kumamoto1140 ② Ibaraki908 ③ Hokkaido838 ④ Chiba835 ⑤ Aichi523 ⑥ Niigata450 ⑦ Nagano410 ⑧ Fukushima392 ⑨ Tochigi387 ⑩ Aomori378 ⑪ Gunma328 ⑫ Gihu311 ⑬ Kanagawa266 ⑭ Hyogo262 ⑮ Akita257 ⑯ Yamagata252 ⑰ Shizuoka251 ⑱ Fukuoka231 Tomato Production (including Cherry type) Major Producing Prefectures
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ Cherry type tomato – Major Producing Prefectures Total Cherry type acreage: 2,170 hectares Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Kumamoto340 ② Hokkaido237 ③ Ibaraki173 ④ Aichi145 ⑤ Chiba99 ⑥ Miyazaki97 ⑦ Fukushima91 90 ~ 50 ~ 90 ~ 50
7 Tomato production – Cropping patterns Forcing culture (for Winter- Spring production) Seeds are sown in late July to mid August for the harvest in December to April. Some growers sow seeds in August to October for continuous harvesting for a longer period of December to June. Greenhouse environment is necessary for this type of culture. Mainly for winter to spring production in the warm areas. Semi forcing culture (for Spring- Summer production) Seeds are sown in November to December for the harvest in April to June. Mainly for spring to early summer production in the warm areas. This cropping pattern is also popular in some producing areas in Northern Japan. Main season culture (for Summer– Autumn production) Seeds are sown in March to April for the harvest in July to October in the highland areas or in the northern prefectures. Retarding culture (for Autumn – Winter production) In the South, seeds are sown in July for the harvest in September to January.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ Winter-Spring Tomato (including Cherry Type) Major Producing Prefectures Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Kumamoto754 ② Aichi412 ③ Chiba313 ④ Tochigi230 ⑤ Miyazaki170 ⑥ Shizuoka151 ⑦ Ibaraki145 ⑧ Gunma143 ⑨ Saitama136 ⑩ Fukuoka133 ⑪ Nagasaki119 ⑫ Kanagawa ~ 100 ~ 170 ~ 100 ② ⑪ ⑨ ⑧ ⑩ ⑫
① ② ③ ④ Winter-Spring Cherry Type Tomato Major Producing Prefectures Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Kumamoto245 ② Aichi134 ③ Miyazaki83 ④ Chiba51
Summer-Autumn Tomato (including Cherry Type) Major Producing Prefectures Prefectu re Planted Area (ha) ① Ibaraki763 ② Hokkaid o 744 ③ Chiba522 ④ Kumam oto 386 ⑤ Nagano383 ⑥ Niigata383 ⑦ Aomori365 ⑧ Fukushi ma 353 ⑨ Gihu264 ⑩ Akita256 ⑪ Yamagat a 224 ⑫ Hyogo218 ⑬ Iwate212 ⑭ Gunma185 ⑮ Oita165 ⑯ Kanaga wa 163 ⑰ Miyagi157 ⑱ Tochigi157 ⑲ Hiroshim a 148 ⑳ Ehime129 Kyoto119 Yamaguc hi 115 Shiga114 Aichi111 Okayam a ~ 200 ~ ~ 200 ~ 100 ① ② ③ ④ ⑧ ⑤ ⑥ ⑨ ⑦ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ① ①
Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Hokkaido222 ② Ibaraki168 ③ Kumamoto95 ④ Fukushima74 ① ③ ② ④ Summer-Autumn Cherry Type Tomato Major Producing Prefectures
12 Required characteristics – large tomato Color: Pink Pink tomatoes are by far more popular than red in Japan. Size: ±200 grams Preferred size ranges from 180 grams to 230 grams. Indeterminate Professionally grown tomatoes are all indeterminate. Good eating quality Taste is a very important factor. A good combination of sweetness and sourness is needed. Shipping quality – fruit firmness Fruit firmness is becoming important but LSL tomatoes are not accepted. Disease tolerance Leaf Mold (Cladosporium fulvum), Gray Leaf Spot (Stemphylium lycopersici) TYLCV TYLCV (Israeli type/mild type) tolerance is needed for some areas.
13 Required characteristics – Cherry type tomato Color: Red Most cherry (‘mini) type tomatoes are of red color. There are some yellow/orange varieties grown by professional farmers and home gardeners. Size: 15 ~ 20 grams Preferred size ranges from 15 grams to 20 grams. Cherry type tomatoes in Japan are mostly for single pick. Good eating quality Taste is a very important factor. Sweetness is a must. Tolerance to cracking Cracking tolerance is very important. Disease tolerance Leaf Mold (Cladosporium fulvum), Gray Leaf Spot (Stemphylium lycopersici) TYLCV TYLCV (Israeli type/mild type) tolerance is needed for some areas.
Sweet Pepper Production Major Producing Prefectures Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Ibaraki558 ② Miyazaki323 ③ Iwate185 ④ Kagoshima148 ⑤ Kochi141 ⑥ Oita109 ⑦ Hyogo101 ⑧ Aomori100 ⑨ Kumamoto96 ⑩ Fukushima90 90 ~ 50 ~ 90 ~ 50 ② ① ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑨ ⑧ ⑩
Winter-Spring Sweet Pepper Production Major Producing Prefectures Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Ibaraki246 ② Miyazaki230 ③ Kochi98 ④ Kagoshima82 ① ③ ② ④
Summer-Autumn Sweet Pepper Production Major Producing Prefectures Prefecture Planted Area (ha) ① Ibaraki312 ② Iwate185 ③ Oita107 ④ Hyogo101 ⑤ Aomori185 ⑥ Nagano96 ⑦ Miyazaki93 ⑧ Fukushima90 90 ~ 50 ~ 90 ~ 50 ① ② ③ ④ ⑥ ⑤ ⑧ ⑦
20 Required characteristics – Sweet pepper Color: Green Most sweet peppers grown in Japan are the Japanese types. They are harvested green. Blocky Bell type or Paprika is also grown on a limited scale. (approximately 60 ha. In total) Hot peppers are not very popular in Japan. The Japanese type hot peppers are grown on a very limited scale. Size: 30 to 60 grams Japanese type are much smaller than Paprika. Their sizes range from 30 grams to 60 grams. Disease tolerance Tolerance to ToMV and TMV is essential. Some varieties also have PMMoV tolerance.
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