Your Teacher Wants …and complete tasks during the lesson. STOP talking and LISTEN when the teacher is speaking…. INCREASE YOUR SHARE VALUE To get a good grade In your GCSE!
What is it that makes some people want to work harder than others? vMtontaioi Motivation
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: All – to know the key points of motivation theory Most – to be able to apply theory to practice given real-life examples Some – to understand why motivation is a key feature of business success
Staff _________ and _____________takes place so that new and existing employees work as effectively as possible. The simplest form of staff training and development is ___________. __________ training introduces new employees and helps them to learn about their job role the company itself. ___________ can be _________ and external. TRAINING DEVELOPMENT Last week… ON-THE-JOB INDUCTION OFF-THE-JOB INTERNAL
ON-THE-JOB? Can bring new ideas into the business. It’s about learning by doing. More expensive. Allows staff to work at their own pace. Less costly. Trainer must have the appropriate skills, experience and knowledge. Can be internal or external. Concentrates exclusively on business needs. Carried out by outside specialists. OFF-THE-JOB? Can bring new ideas into the business. More expensive. Allows staff to work at their own pace. Can be internal or external. Carried out by outside specialists. It’s about learning by doing. Less costly. Trainer must have the appropriate skills, experience and knowledge. Concentrates exclusively on business needs.
Motivated workers are more productive; higher productivity can bring higher profits. Motivated workers will provide high levels of customer service, keeping the customers happy. Motivated staff are more likely to stay with the company; if a business can keep its workers, the cost of recruiting new staff is reduced. Keeping staff motivated is good for business because…
Key management theories: Herzberg and the 'two factors‘: Herzberg said that certain 'hygiene' factors were key, such as a clean workplace and good basic pay. Only once these were present could extra motivating factors be used to motivate workers (satisfiers). Maslow and the 'hierarchy of needs‘: Maslow showed that people have to have their basic needs met first, such as feeling safe and secure, before moving on to higher levels of emotional fulfilment.
Key management theories: Elton Mayo: Mayo researched workplaces and found that production increased mainly because employees felt important and were involved in establishing their own work routines – increased personal satisfaction and employee involvement are the best forms of motivation. Douglas McGregor: McGregor found that managers had two views of staff; Theory X – workers need the money and must be supervised. Theory Y – workers can be trusted and are motivated through their work (job satisfaction).
QUICK TEST: Maslow Herzberg McGregor Mayo Theory Y Hygiene Factors Basic needs Employee involvement
Motivating through Total Reward The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) is one of the world's leading financial services companies. The company needs to attract a constant supply of talented people in areas such as banking, sales, customer service, finance, risk and human resources. Almost all roles can be described in terms of performance targets which means that individual performance can be measured and rewarded. Edited from:
TOTAL REWARD: As part of its strategy to motivate employees, RBS has designed a special benefits package called 'Total Reward'. Total Reward is built around a good basic pay but in addition offers flexible benefits in many areas including health, pensions and childcare. Employees can earn bonuses for reaching targets and there is a generous profit sharing scheme. Each year, all employees receive a bonus of 10% of their pay. Edited from:
WORK-LIFE BALANCE: RBS employees have the opportunity to work more flexibly, such as arranging to work part-time or from home. The company’s 'Your Time' programme helps employees by allowing them to take a career break to go travelling or to spend more time with family. Edited from:
SUMMARY RBS uses a number of Herzberg’s motivating factors, such as recognition for work done well, opportunities for promotion and giving additional rewards, in its performance management. RBS knows that meeting Maslow’s higher needs are a vital part of motivating and engaging its people and has put in place a number of measures to meet these needs.
ADD VALUE! Task 1: Match Maslow’s terms to the correct explanation…
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Choose TRUE OR FALSE Task 2:
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INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: All – to know the key points of motivation theory Most – to be able to apply theory to practice given real-life examples Some – to understand why motivation is a key feature of business success