Documenting California Program and Learner Outcomes to Federal and State Policymakers for the ACSA presentation on September 25, 2003 and for the California Assembly Select Committee on Adult Education Hearing on November 5, 2003 Prepared By
Introduction to Adult Literacy Data Set Although the educational program options offered by our public agencies (adult schools and community colleges) are wider in scope, the data presented pertains only to instructional programs (adult literacy) eligible for federal supplemental funding from the Workforce Investment Act, Title II (WIA, Title II). Federal funds are allocated from WIA, Title II to states and territories based on the number of adults who do not have a high school diploma. The California Department of Education administers the WIA, Title II program in California. Adult schools and community colleges are the main institutional contributors to the current data, however data also comes from community based and faith based institutions, public libraries, county offices of education, California Conservation Corps, county jails, the California Department of Developmental Services, the California Youth Authority, and the California Department of Corrections. Data from and are the years included in this data set. Federal reporting requirements preclude the inclusion of learners: with less than 12 hours of instruction, less than 16 years of age, concurrently enrolled in k-12 level program, or without a valid instructional level identified. Approximately two-thirds of the learners enrolling qualify for inclusion in the National Reporting System (NRS) Tables. The adult literacy data includes enrollment and performance of learner from four program levels of Adult Basic Education (ABE), six program levels of English as a Second Language (ESL), and two program levels of Adult Secondary Education (ASE). The need for adult literacy was estimated from the 2000 U.S. Census on the number of adults 18 years and older without a high school diploma. Providers of adult literacy are paid only on the positive performance of their learners.
How many learners were served by WIA Title II programs? How many WIA Title II funded agencies served these learners?
Number of WIA Title II Providers through CASAS 2003
WIA Title II Learner Enrollment by Provider Type and In , adult schools comprised about 67.2 percent of the total providers and 82.9 percent of the total enrolled learners. CASAS 2003
How many learners enrolled and how many were reported to the federal government?
NRS Federal Tables Student Enrollment Summary and * As outlined by the National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) learners with fewer than 12 hours of instruction, less that sixteen years of age, or concurrently enrolled in a high school/K12 program are not included in the NRS Federal Tables. In addition, because learners are reported by instructional level, any learner without a valid instructional level assigned by either the instructor or through pre-tests is excluded. The reasons for exclusion are listed in the hierarchal order in which non-qualifying students are excluded. The numbers include only those learners removed at each step. For a complete count of learners for each criteria see the following page. CASAS 2003
NRS Federal Tables Reasons for Exclusion and In a total of 244,950 learners were excluded from the NRS Federal Tables for one of the reasons listed above. In some cases these learners had more than one of the criteria. For comparison purposes, data on learners excluded from the NRS Federal Tables are also listed. CASAS 2003
NRS Federal Tables Summary Statistics and CASAS 2003 This slide summarizes performance results for the and program years. In , 32.1 percent of students that qualified for the NRS Federal Tables completed a level and 51.1 percent had paired test data. Of those with paired test data, 62.8 percent completed a level.
How many of those in need are being served in California’s federally funded programs? Based on the California Population 18 Years and older from the 2000 U.S. Census – 24,650,185 A.Enrollment Rates – Learners with at least a Student Entry Record B.Served Rates – Learners that qualified for the NRS Federal Tables and were included in them C.Retention Rates – Learners that were pre- and post-tested D.Level Completion Rates – Learners that completed their entry educational functional level
Estimated Population in Need by County A) Total Population 18+ (Source: 2000 U.S. Census Data) B) Total Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma (Source: 2000 U.S. Census Data) C) Column B/ Column A CASAS 2003
WIA Title II Learners’ Enrolled, Served, Retained, Completed a Level by County A) Total Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma (Source: 2000 U.S. Census Data) B) Total Enrolled Population – Learners with an Student Entry Record (771,905 total) C) Total Population Served – Qualified for NRS Federal Table 4 (526,955 total) D) Total Population Retained – Qualified for NRS Federal Table 4b (269,306 total) E) Total Population Completed a Level – NRS Federal Table 4 (169,007 total) CASAS 2003
Percentage of Total Population in Need Enrolled, Served, Retained, Completed a Level WIA Title II Programs CASAS 2003 A) Total Enrolled Population / Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma (Source: 2000 U.S. Census Data) B) Total Population Served / Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma D) Total Population Retained / Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma E) Total Population Completed a Level /Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma
WIA Title II Estimated Percent Enrolled by Age CASAS 2003 A)Total Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma (Source: 2000 U.S. Census Data) B)Total Enrolled Population – Learners with an Student Entry Record (771,905 total) C)Column B / Column A
WIA Title II Estimated Percent Enrolled by Ethnicity CASAS 2003 A)Total Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma (Source: 2000 U.S. Census Data) B)Total Enrolled Population – Learners with an Student Entry Record (771,905 total) C)Column B/ Column A
Resources for Providing and Meeting the Needs A.Benchmarks B.Core Performance Indicators
Benchmarks by Provider Type and Program In , WIA Title II agencies were awarded federal funding based on the Benchmarks attained by their learners in ABE, ESL, ESL-Citizenship, and ASE programs. Benchmarks can be earned by making a significant gain, completing two benchmark levels, passing the GED, or attaining a high school diploma. Adult schools earned 75.9 percent of the total benchmarks and comprised 82.9 percent of the total population. Community Colleges earned 16.0 percent of the total benchmarks and comprised 10.0 percent of the total population. CASAS 2003
Benchmarks by County Los Angeles County comprised of 35.4 percent of the total population in need and 49.0 percent of the Benchmarks earned. This equates to a Benchmark Index of 38. CASAS 2003 A) Total Population 18+ without H.S. Diploma (Source: 2000 U.S. Census Data) B) Column B / Total State Population in Need (5,923,345) C) Total Benchmarks Earned D) Column D / Total Benchmarks (238,150) E) Benchmark Index is calculated by dividing the percent of benchmarks earned by the percent of population in need, adding 100 and subtracting 100. A Mathematical ((%BE/%PIN)*100)-100.
Core Performance Indicators through CASAS 2003 * The levels of performance are based on the percentage of learners that completed their entry educational functioning level. These results are taken directly from NRS Federal Table 4.
Core Performance Indicators CASAS 2003 * The levels of performance are based on the percentage of learners that completed their entry educational functioning level. These results are taken directly from NRS Federal Table 4. California exceeded their performance goal at each of the 12 educational functioning levels. ** These levels of performance are based on the percentage of learners with paired test data that completed their entry educational functioning level. These results are taken directly from NRS Federal Table 4b.